"I once believed love would be burning red
But it's golden."
chapter 80 - daylight
Y/n's Perspective
July, 1893
Curtains swayed from the evening summer breeze coming in from the opened balcony doors of our rented apartment in Paris, France.
Beyond the windows and ivy-covered balcony railings, moonlight and stars shone with the streetlights below where I knew the river Seine rippled quietly.
Sebastian peacefully slept next to me while a dimmed lamp illuminated the space to my left, my hand covered in ink from my scribbling, a leather-bound journal perched on top of a pillow on my lap. I took a quiet breath and sighed, studying my lover's steady breathing, his bare and muscled freckled shoulders relaxed against the sheets.
The first time we'd arrived in this place, I worried people would think it wrong for a young unmarried couple to sleep in the same accommodation. Imagine my surprise when no one even batted an eye, and we were simply led to our rooms. Though we were warned Muggles would've thought it inappropriate.
Good thing this was the wizarding world then, I thought. Customs were more advanced.
It was three hours past midnight and I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd better make use of the time journaling. Though it was simply nonsense that I wrote, not exactly my whirring thoughts. I started making up some silly story.
I fiddled with my golden charm bracelet with the strawberry while I contemplated my thoughts.
We've been in Paris for over a month now and it was starting to feel like home. Then again, anywhere with Sebastian was home for me. Every day we'd spent in this city had been a healing tonic to my wounded soul just as much as it did for him.
This city was a dream. Every step and breeze along the cobblestoned streets felt like carrying a legacy from my brother, Alden.
He wasn't here but it felt like he was. I would never forget his tales about all of his travels, most especially about Paris.
Alden once told me how he'd visited the Paris catacombs and helped investigate some mysterious magic in there. He told me that tale the day after my birthday, and I almost called bullshit because there was no way his story mirrored too much like my quest with Sebastian in fifth year. Until he told me it was just some lost poltergeist wreaking havoc in there. How that even happened, no one knew.
It was funny how Alden decided to tell me that story the day after my birthday ball. The day after everything had gone to hell with Sebastian, the one who now slept beside me against all odds in the world. It had been Alden's way of making me feel better about what happened.
I never got tired of his stories, and I wish I could hear more of them. But I'd long accepted what's past is past.
Still, I'd be lying if I said past traumatic events had been easy to forget. The memories often left me sleepless after midnight, so I turned the moments into something useful on the pages. I was just glad Sebastian was such a heavy sleeper that the bit of orange light I'd put on hadn't awoken him.
I adjusted my sitting position on the bed with a sigh, flexing my inked-stained fingers. My bare legs under the sheets were warm, but my golden nightgown felt chilly against my arms despite the summer air.
Sebastian stirred, and before I knew it, he was snaking an arm around my middle and he was snuggling my side, warming my skin. I giggled a little, thinking about how even while sleeping, it was instinct for him to look for me.
Being careful not to get any ink on him from my quill, I leaned and pressed a kiss on his forehead. I resumed my writing as quietly as I could so I wouldn't disturb him.
I stilled when Sebastian murmured something I couldn't decipher, his breath ghosting the silk fabric of my nightgown that fell on my hips. I didn't think much of it, about to resume my scribbling, until I felt his arm tense around me. Worry immediately lined my brows.
I put aside my journal and quill, ever so carefully placing them on the bedside table. Those few seconds were enough for Sebastian to sense me moving away from him, even though I wasn't, that his arm intensified around my waist.
"Y/n," he murmured, voice gravelly and woven with fear, "I...I can..cannot lose you again."
I placed a palm against his cheek, his skin beginning to dampen with sweat.
"Sebastian," I whispered, caressing hair away from his brow. "Sebastian, my love, wake up." This time, I placed a kiss on his cheek.
He merely stirred, whimpers and slight groans escaping his lips. I could do nothing but tighten my hold on him while using my other hand to caress his face and hair.
These moments had become rarer as the weeks passed, but when they happened, I was glad I knew what to do. We've both had our fair share of nightmares by now.
"No...please...come back to me," he cried out softly, burying his face to my side.
"Sebastian." I shook his shoulders, gently, then with more force. I kept peppering his brow with kisses. "I'm here. It's just a dream. Sebastian. Please, wake up. I'm here. I'm right here. I won't go anywhere."
He gasped awake, prying himself away from me by instinct, the blanket falling away from his shoulders to reveal the hardened planes of his chest. A few heartbeats sounded before he looked at me with fearful brown eyes, his breathing uneven.
I gave him a soft smile, then realizing he was squinting against the light I'd put on, his sleepy eyes not adjusting to the brightness despite the dimness, I turned off the lamp. I waved my wand to open the other curtains.
Moonlight spilled around the room, casting a silvery glow on his skin, freckles his own stars. His brown eyes sparkled with tears, which he quickly blinked away.
I scooched closer to him on the mattress until I wrapped my arms around his middle, his arms wrapping around me in answer.
Sebastian tucked my head closer to the crook of his neck and kissed my temple. I could feel his drumming heart underneath his hot skin.
"Did I wake you?" Before I could answer, he added, "I'm sorry."
I looked up at him with furrowed brows. "I was already awake. And even if you did, you never have to be sorry for it, Sebastian. We've established this."
"You're right. I'm s—" he chuckled, seeing my glare. "Nevermind. Yes, you're right. I just feel bad is all."
Sebastian gently untangled his arm around me to place his palm against my cheeks. He closed his eyes, putting his forehead on mine.