Playdate #2

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Authors Note:
Heheheheheh giggling like a fucking Goblin. I love this one. Be prepared for smut in the next chapter :))))

When Thursday came I met up with my best friend at the mall immediately after work. "Aaaah hey!! I haven't seen you in such a long time." She sat down across from me at our favorite table in our favorite café. "It's been one week." I laughed, sipping my tea. I was glad to see her. She chuckled. "So, how's it going?". A playful smile on her lips. I took a deep breath. I hadn't told her about him yet, eventhough I knew I should have months ago. "I met someone." Okay, technically I had told her about him, but she knew him as the "obnoxious guy from work I absolutely positively despised". "Wait really? Ugh, finally! Wait where? When we went partying last week? Omg that guy at the bar?" Her excitement made me happy. "Nooo." I tried to calm her down, I was a little embarassed. "I met him at work." She curled her lips into a smug smile. "Oooh an office romance, hm?". "Technically its not a romance yet, it's well... I don't even know if he likes me back and I only want something sexual for now, I think." Her expression got even more smug. "Ooh, did you get a new coworker, who is it?" she asked, leaning forward on her table. She was clearly already invested. "It's the obnoxious guy, right?" She guided her finger along the wood pattern of the table. That caught me off guard. "What? How did you know?" She laughed. "Girl, you have a thing for enemies to lovers. Dont you remeber that shirt I gave you for your 20th birthday?" I remebered. We had had a good laugh about that shirt. It was a pink mini-tshirt with >Dont hate me. It turns me on.< written on it with red letters. I had always been a huge fan of enemies to lovers tropes in fiction, eventhough I knew it was very unrealistic. "You also always turn bright red when youre talking about this guy. And he's totally your type." She shrugged, ordering a latte from the waitress when she passed by. God, she had seen through me so easily. As she turned back to face me I admitted "Well, yeah. You just know me too well it seems.". I giggled. She giggled too. We were sitting in our favorite café giggling like little girls. "I need a dress for something similar to a dinner date." I said after we had calmed down. "A dinner date?" She raised one eyebrow and cocked her head. "What do you mean he doesn't like you back? He invited you out for dinner, Lillie. You can't possibly be that oblivious.". I told her the whole story about our playdates and him and how much I liked him, I didn't tell her about the fantasies part though, I would tell her, but I prefered talking about such things while drunk.

"Okay! For sure! You're going to be the most beautiful woman he's ever laid his pervy eyes on!" I burst out laughing. I loved throwing shade at him. I loved shade being thrown at him even more. We went to multiple stores, looking for the perfect dress and bought lots of stuff we weren't looking for and weren't in need of. I got a ton of new clothes, some makeup, skincare and nail polish. Taking a good shower, burning and scraping my skin raw with scolding water and peelings was free therapy to me. As was using skincare products after.

It was already evening when we finally found the dress I had been looking for. It was beautiful, shiny and glittery and pink, and long and sexy, with a slit that was a little to long and a neckline that showed a little bit too much. It was a silk gown with glittery pink material. It was the Barbia dress of my dreams. It fell around my body perfectly and fit like a glove. It accentuated my body in all the right places. I bought it immediately.

On Friday I made sure to wear a pink outfit to work, so I could do my makeup in pink aswell. I packed a little makup into my bag for work and took the dress and the shoes with me in a separate bag. I was a little scared to be overdressed, but it didn't matter anyway, it was just me and him, and I had already embarassed myself in his presence. so many times. I didn't really care now. I expected to see him at the office, but he wasn't there that morning. I was a little disappointed, but I knew, that I would be seeing him tonight in private, so it didn't really matter after all. Work ended at 4, we had agreed to meet at 5, so I had one hour to get ready in my office. I refreshed my makeup, put on the dress and the shoes and did my hair. I took a good long while, claming myself down, trying to boost my own confidence.

When I entered the staff kitchen I was flabbergasted. There were candles everywhere! He was wearing a black suit, with a tie and a white button-up. He looked so much hotter than usual. I just stared at him. Sitting there, in front of the table, he had decorated so beautifully. He had ordered chinese takeout. I felt a little bad becausemy plan obviously hadn't worked out. Instead of him falling for me, I was the one feeling butterflies fly around in my tummy. I gazed at him. His chair was turned towards me, he was leaning on the table with one arm, leaning back into his chair. His legs were slightly spread open. I wanted to kneel in front of him and suck his dick right then and there. "Too stunned to speak?" He chuckled. "Wow. Yeah, pretty much." I admitted, trying to sound appreciating. "You look beautiful." he said, and for once I couldn't sense any irony in his words. His voice sent shivers down my spine. I felt the hair on my neck stand up as I walked toward the table. He got up, took my hand und pulled my chair back for me. Charming and gentlemanlike, as usual. "Today, he said, were playing Memory. Let's eat first though." He had really put in a lot of effort. The food was great and the wine even better, a dry red. Velvety and strong, yet light and spicy. It didn't fit the food at all, but I didn't mind. After finishing the food, he got out the game and we started playing. Memory was a silly game, but I got very competitive when playing it. It was actually one of my favorite games ever and I was very confident about beating him. I had never lost a game of memory. "What are you thinking about? You think you can beat me?" he chuckled. "Oh, for sure I can. You know I'm better than you. At everything." I retaliated smirking. He held up his index finger "Almost everything." He was better at sex hopefully. He choked on his wine and started taking off his jacket, straightening his button up afterwards. "You ready?" He said. I nodded. I was determined to win. And I did. About 10 games (he had lost all of them) and about 1 and a half bottles of wine later he was clearly irritated. "See? You can't beat me." I said. You can slap me though. He looked at me and started grinning. "Okay, lets play one last game. Winner gets to make a wish. Loser has to comply." I was feeling confident and honestly somewhat excited aswell. I could make him do anything I wanted. Surely I couldn't make him do something sexual? I couldn't ask him to let me suck his dick right? That would be sexual harassment... When I looked up I saw him looking at me, while placing the cards on the table. He rolled up his sleeves loosened his tie. Needless to say that Imagination was running wild. And with that I had lost. He had tricked me into losing, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had lost because of horniness, oh my god. He chuckled. "Seems like you've lost, Lillie. What should I have you do, hm?" Make me suck you off. Please make do something sexual. Please god, grant me this favour, make him tell me to strip or something. I was praying in my head, I didn't even believe in god, still, it couldn't hurt. "I know what you'll do." he said, further loosening his tie. "Play truth or dare with me." he looked into my eyes and I saw that depth again. That look, that was so different from his usual one. I could feel my stomach tingling at the anticipation. And instead of complaining, because this was clearly unfair, I just nodded and agreed to doing it. "Truth or Dare?"

Playdate with my enemy (who I definitely don't have sexual fantasies about)Where stories live. Discover now