Chapter 5: Rehearsals

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It was the day before blur would perform at Wembley and everyone's toes were tingling out of excitement!!! Damon was on his jumbo jet gliding into the studio and alex brought his big sexy block of chedder bass to play. Graham and moss skipped cutely together into the studio and started setting up their bananas ready. Y/n heard the sound and approached the studio, her eyes locking with Damon...the lust...the tension...she just wanted to lick noses with him so badly but she had to act normal! "Alright love?", Damon said smirking as he checked out y/n, y/n noticed his swift movement and her cheeks turned purple like peppa. "Y-e-s...I'm tinkling with excitement actually!" she replied back trying to hide her peppa persona.  

Damon had a big grin on his face, he loved peppa so much it was making him more and more horny for y/n he wanted to have sexual relations... Suddenly michael and wolf came into the studio, michael was feeling extra kurwa today as he had a great night sexting starbuck girly pop! wolf barked because her guitar was broken but alex handed his cheddar bass over to her and said "you can play mine instead! it's extra cheesy to build strength!". Wolf hehehed like a silly person and took the chedder block and started busting out a rhythm. Graham and moss were #duetting together on the guitar and damons big jumbo jet was poking out as he was watching y/n, "I want her to call me daddy kitty meow meow", he mumbled to himself. NESKO POLISH GIRL came into the studio a little late because she needed to make egg for brisk.

Suddenly y/n was transforming....she started turning into purple peppa, "wh-at's happening to-o me!", her voice started turning deep and she was a peppa singing you used to call me on yoaur cell phone dodododo. Damon turned his eyes towards y/n and he went "AWOOGA", both their toes were tingling but they were in public, even though they wanted to throw themselves at eachother they had to remain as cool as a cucumber.  

"Well everyone thank you kindly for today and tomorrow will be our big show at wembley!" Damon cooed and everyone wrapped up and started trotting back to the hotel. Graham and moss sexually made out in the elevator on the way to their room and alex was making love to his sweet guitar.... Y/n and Damon were touching as they walked back to their rooms and suddenly he grabbed her arm, "you looked so seggsey today btw babes" he smirked and looked down at her making her organisms explode. "Th-ank y-ou Damon...I had a fun time today...", y/n couldn't stop herself from bleeding out. "Well goo-" Y/n was cut of by Damon's lips smashing onto hers...

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