Chapter 5

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Y/n was listening through a wall as she heard some scientists' conversation. She made sure to stay quiet and out of view of others so she wouldn't get caught.

It was the year of 1984 in mid September.

Y/n heard the scientists bickering over something. Their voices were easily heard through the thin walls. She pressed her ear towards the wall as she tried to make out what they were saying. She wanted to know what was happening to the kids.

"We need to get the next bigger body experiment ready. The last one we did was Catnap and it was brilliant."

"Who do you think is next, another infant?"

"No, that one won't be ready until next year. They still have four months before they're ready."

"What about that girl, what's her name again?"

"Which girl are you referring to?"

"The one that's been on the night shifts with CatNap?"

"Oh, you mean Y/n? No, boss doesn't want to use her yet. At least not until she finds out what's been going on. She's innocent now and is totally oblivious to everything so he doesn't want that to happen."

"And what happens if she does find out?"

"Then she'll be out into the next bigger body experiment. She won't be able to get out of here... Alive..."

"Anyway how's Theo er, I mean CatNap doing in his body?"

"He seems fine aside from being hostile towards staff aside from miss, Y/n."

"I guess that that's normal then."

"Yep so we just have to keep observing the children and wait for his next order, that's all."

Y/n decided that she'd heard enough and moved away from the wall. A hand flew to her mouth as she held back quiet sobs. She couldn't believe what was happening to all the children that she helped took care of.

She couldn't believe that CatNap and the other mascots were humans programed into the bigger bodies. Y/n couldn't bear it. She shook her head as she tried to get the mental images that flashed in her mind away but to no avail.

Y/n now knew how these wonderful toys came to life. It was a horrific thing. Y/n's eyes flooded with water and soon tears spilled down her face. She just couldn't believe it.

Y/n was snapped out of her petrified state as she heard the approaching foot step make their way to the nearby door. Y/n wasted no time and quietly slipped away before she would get caught.

The door swung open as a scientist poked his head out of the door frame.

" Did you hear something? "

He shrugged his shoulders and went back into the room, shutting the door behind him. What he didn't notice was that a purple cat was hiding in the shadows, watching.

He saw Y/n's reaction to discovering the truth about the toys, including himself. CatNap walked away from the room and made his way back to Playcare's orphanage.


"What happened to all those kids?"

After I pondered for a few moments, I caught sight of the trash compactor door that CatNap had dropped me in. I moved towards it and saw a door that was halfway opened. It led to a small room with a few pipes on the wall and a big battery pack sitting on a counter. I grabbed it and placed it into a nearby battery slot.

The battery slot needed another one. I scanned the area I was in and found the other battery in a cabinet. I repeated the action and placed the battery into the slot.

The hand scanner lit a shade of blue and instinctively I placed the blue grab pack hand on it. Once the scan was completed, the door opened and guided me to a Bubba Bubbaphant cardboard cutout. A big red button was present that said 'press here'.

I pressed the button.

"I'm Bubba Bubbaphant. Hey! I remember you!"

I pressed the button to continue the dialogue.

"An elephant always remembers! Want to know what I remember about you?"

I pressed the button a final time but I jumped out fear as I heard the punchline.


I immediately walked away after it stopped screaming. I turned to my left and went down another hallway. As if on cue, I heard a phone ringing.

It continued to ring and it became annoying quickly. I looked around and saw an elevator that was out of order and next to it, a puzzle.

I hit it and the green hand was charged. I turned around and went up a few stairs and followed the corridor that led me to the other puzzle piece. I hit the piece with the charged hand and it unlocked the iron like door.

A small room layed before me and I found the source of the ringing. A toy looking phone was hanging on the wall. I went to go answer it.

A child's voice could be heard on the other side of the line.

"Hey... Hey, can you hear me?
You look kinda lost.
I don't want you to die- so I'm gonna help you!
Check this out. Look at the tube thing on the back wall.
You can use that battery to open the door!"

A battery appeared before me and I placed it into the battery slot. The nearby exit door unlocked and I was able to proceed.

I stepped out of the small room and into an underground railroad where the train I was on was up in flames. Parts of the railroad had been burned away and the walls of the underground tunnel had melted away.

The front half of the train was melted down and parts of the train were missing. They were probably missing because they had been eaten away by the rising flames.

The mysterious child voice spoke again.

"Woah... Did you do that?
I guess that's where CatNap found you...
I know you're probably mad at Poppy for not letting you escape."

'I'm more than mad, I'm furious. She fucking could have killed me! '

I thought to myself as I furrowed my eyebrows as a frown made its way to my face. The boy's voice kept talking.

"But she needs you. We need you. You are our mission. Together, we can save a lot of people.
Including you.
Playcare is straight ahead. It's the home of CatNap... one of  " The Smiling Critters".
There used to be... eight of them? I think?
Now, it's just him.
Playcare is his church, his hunting ground. Whatever he wants it to be.
You better get moving quickly... We'll keep in touch.
Oh, and by the way, my name's Ollie.
Nice to meet you."

Once Ollie has finished with his introduction, I went down the remains of the underground railroad tunnel. Everything looked so rusted and had fallen apart.

It didn't make me feel at ease when I took note of bits of blood splattered about the train station....

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