5. Thorns of Roses

Start from the beginning


Kimhan can take everything from him but not his power.

Please, not his power.

"What," Chay breathes out with all the resentment he feels enveloping his body, "what have you done to my power?"

Kimhan cocks his head, "so this was what you were just trying to do? I wondered why were you looking at me so intensely." Kimhan takes one of Porchay's hands in his and makes Porchay open his palm there's a mark in the shape of a snowflake right in the middle of his palm. How did it get there? And when? And then Kimhan opens his own palm for Porchay to see a mark in the shape of a lotus on the same place he has his snowflake mark...

"Haven't you paid attention, Porchay? Now we share our life energy which also means we share our powers. I must say you'll have to teach me how to use those flowers of yours for something dangerous instead of just pretty. As for what just happened, I don't know what you were trying to do, but we can't use our powers on each other if we want to do something harmful. It won't work anymore."

"You stopped my heart!" Porchay closes his palm and glares at Kimhan. He isn't afraid of him. He won't ever again be afraid of him.

"That was before the wedding, and I'm sorry for that. I did what I had to do."

"You are sorry?" Porchay scoffs, "at least don't lie to me."

"I really am sorry, but I had to get you to marry me somehow. Using my power was the fastest option. But from now on, no more power. I'll just use my heart to get you to fall in love with me."

Porchay isn't sure, but he is probably staring more than he ever did before. Kimhan Theerapanyakul can't be serious. Fall in love with him? What does he want? What does he really want?

"Fall in love with you?" Porchay repeats slowly. "At first I thought that you were a heartless monster... but you aren't, are you? You are just crazy. There's something wrong with you." Porchay raises his voice, "fall in love with you? The only thing you did, is made me hate you more than I thought was possible, Kimhan. Why would I ever love you? Why would you want me to ever love you?"

"Because having you on my side is better than going against you, Porchay. You have no idea how important you really are, do you?"

"No," Porchay snaps, "I don't! Because all you made me feel is that I'm worthless. Remember this, Your Majesty—you can stop my heart, but you can never make it beat for you."

"I also remember you saying that you will never kneel for me," there's a sparkle of amusement in Kimhan's eyes making Porchay feel even worse than he did before. All of this is taking so much energy out of him. Kimhan makes him so tired. His own eyes feel tired. Eyelids slowly closing. He wants to sleep. But how can he sleep how? How can he sleep around someone like Kimhan?

"I know you want to sleep. You can," Kimhan hugs Porchay a little bit tighter—the touch burning Porchay's skin even through all those layers of clothing.

"I'll keep you safe." Kimhan doesn't hear any protests from Porchay and when he looks down at his husband's head resting on his shoulder the corner of Kimhan's lips turns upwards, Porchay is sleeping.

Porchay should understand one thing—Kimhan never lies to him. Why should he? There's no gain for Kimhan to lie to his husband. The more transparent he'll be with Porchay the better for the future. No one would be able to come and tell Porchay something that would undermine Porchay's trust in Kimhan because Porchay will have trust in Kimhan... Kimhan is sure of that. No matter what it takes and no matter how long it takes there once comes a day when the Crown Prince Porchay will trust Kimhan more than anyone else in the world. And then, Kimhan will be invincible.

There are three layers to Kimhan's plan of how to win the war and blend the two kingdoms into one with only one king. Firstly, Kimhan had to join the two kingdoms by law—he married the Crown Prince of the Kittsawat Kingdom. Secondly, by marrying Porchay, Kimhan ensures that Porsche Kittisawat won't just attack the kingdom without being sure that his younger brother is safe and even if he attacks, he can't hurt Kimhan because if he tries, it would count as an attack on his marriage and Porsche would suffer grave consequences. And the third layer? Kimhan had to be entirely sure that Porsche wouldn't try to get him even despite the suffering that would fall on him if he tried to break the marriage... and the way to do it is to make Porchay fall in love with Kimhan. If Porchay will be on Kimhan's side unconditionally and irrevocably, what can Porchse do? He won't hurt his brother by taking someone dear from him. Will he?

"All I need is for you to love me, little flower," Kimhan whispers into the crown of Porchay's hair and closes his eyes as well, letting himself be lulled to sleep by the gentle swaying of the carriage on their way back to the Moon Palace.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

It's only a knock at the carriage door that wakes up Kimhan. It seems that Porchay wasn't the only one tired. However, Kimhan is surprised that he has slept the entire time. Maybe he was more tired than he had realized. He looks at Porchay's sleeping frame still in his arms and only after that he opens the door.

General Big is standing right in front of him, bowing his head, "Your Majesty, we have arrived."

Kimhan nods, "tell the kitchen to prepare food for me and my husband and bring it to the Crown Prince's chamber."

General Big nods again, his eyes travelling towards the Crown Prince, "Your Majesty can step out of the carriage, I'll carry His Royal Highness to the chamber."

"I'll take care of him, you just do as I told you," Kimhan replies, carefully holding Porchay in his arms and stepping out of the carriage.

"Are you sure Your Majesty? It was a long ride, you should rest."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my husband," Kimhan retorts. "I won't repeat myself, Big... you heard the order!"

General Big bows down and turns around on his heels, ready to do as his king ordered.

It's shortly after noon and the sun is high up in the sky, trying to fight away the clouds that are casting shadows where the sunshine should be. Kimhan hates weather like this. Rain is much better... and even better is his favourite snow. He makes snowflakes gently floating in the air around them as he carries his husband into his chamber, but before he is able to enter, he is stopped by two men. One is wearing armour, covered in black almost from head to toe, his two swords shining under the sun. The other is clothed in yellow so bright that it can even outshine the sun itself, and both of them are looking at him with millions of dancing questions in their eyes.

Kimhan sighs, "brothers."

"Here he goes again," Tankhun crosses his hands on his chest, "making important decisions in the spur of a moment without talking to us first."

"How's the married life, huh?" Kinn cocks his eyebrow.

"Step away," Kimhan makes another step towards the door. "Wait for me in the Golden Hall."

"Uhm, sure, we'll wait, but don't get lost in your husband's eyes for too long, I heard they are pretty," Tankhun says teasingly and the two brothers disappear before Kimhan can tell them off.

"Who told them your eyes are pretty?" Kimhan frowns and enters Porchay's chamber. He lies his husband down on the bed and lets the fresh air come in through the window.

He then sits down, next to Porchay and brushes the soft hair off Porchay's forehead. "Don't be such a tight sleeper, little flower. That might be dangerous," he whispers and presses his lips to Porchay's forehead before he leaves to talk with his brothers.

The moment the door behind His Majesty closes, Porchay opens his eyes, feeling more confused than ever before.

To be continued...

P.S. Kimhan, why are you suddenly so nice, hmm? 🧐

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