12. Saving You

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It's Kimhan's

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It's Kimhan's. That blood around them—it's the blood of his husband.

Porchay quickly scans the area around them. Some of the guards are injured as well, but all of them are already forming a circle around their kings. But Porchay needs space and he needs them to stop shooting arrows at those vicious things, so he can do what he needs to.

"Stop shooting! Stop shooting!" Porchay yells out, cradling Kimhan in his arms.

"But Your Royal Highness—"

"I need to make a wall around us—so, stop shooting!" Porchay says firmly.

Kimhan coughs up blood in his arms, eyes focused on Porchay, "wall... from flowers?"

"From your stupid ice! And you better don't bleed out on me till then. You are already insufferable as a human husband. Ghost husband would be too much!" Porchay snaps.

"I'll do my... best," Kimhan says with a painful grimace and a crooked smile on his face.

How can he smile now? Porchay wonders... maybe he is getting delirious from all that sudden blood loss. Whatever, Porchay can't focus on that right now. First, he needs to keep them safe at least until he helps Kimhan, and then they will be able to figure out how to get out of here.

He looks around; the guards have created a protective circle around them but that's not enough. He can feel the Voiding in the air but he can't hear it at all. He doesn't know how many of them are here or if they are even still here. And he isn't even sure if what he is about to do will work the way he wants to. It's been a short time for Porchay to get used to Kimhan's power and learn how to fully rule with it. Freezing and unfreezing a gate was one thing, but creating a protective wall around them... something that needs to assure their safety... that's different.

"You might be dying, but if this won't work, you have to help me!" Porchay glances down at his husband to make sure Kimhan heard him.

"I'm not dying," Kimhan rasps out and goes to try to move away from Chay, but he is too weak to actually do it.

"By the sheer amount of blood I see—yes, you are! And you can bet one thing—I'm not letting you die!" Porchay grabs Kimhan's hand tightly to double his strength and when he feels his fingers tingling with their powers being woken up and melted together he starts looking around slowly, and as he does there's an ice wall growing out of the ground. It's growing fast; not as fast as Porchay hoped it would, but it works and that's what matters.

When the wall is almost finished, that's when he sees a Voiding flying right towards them, there's only a couple of centimetres before both ends of the wall join each other and imprison them inside of their small icy fortress.

"It can't get inside!" Porchay shouts. His heart is beating so fast; he can feel it almost in his throat, ready to leave his body. And then just when the array of arrows flies out of their safety, the wall finally closes and Porchay lets out a deep breath, his head resting on Kimhan's chest.

WINDS OF SNOW ☆ KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now