It's my wedding day and I'm so scared right now, I'm getting ready.
Katie is my maid of honour.
Nicole, Ellie, Sarah and Ava are my bridesmaids.
I'm getting ready with all five of them and my mom and Trevor's mom.
They can tell I'm nervous cause anytime something went wrong I would freak out and go mental, I tried not to shout at anyone.
The reception is beautiful.
Me and Trevor's honeymoon is in Greece and we are going for a week, Trevor's parents and mine are looking after Rudy and Ivy while we are gone.
Rudy is now nine months old and that is crazy that he's nearly one years old that makes me want to cry.
"You look beautiful Ariella" Julie says.
"Thank you" I smile looking at myself, this dress is beautiful I'm glad I picked out the right one.
"Looks who's here" Ava opens the door.
"Mama" Rudy hold his arms up for me as he's in Ava's arms, Rudy likes me better he's a mommy's boy.
Trevor sometimes gets annoyed that Rudy likes me better but I love it, Trevor gets jealous that Rudy follows me about everywhere then Ivy follows Rudy about.
Rudy can walk a little Bit it's mostly a crawl, he can walk for a couple of seconds then he'll fall back down again.
I take him into my arms and he wraps his tiny arms around my neck "hey baby" I smile.
"Mama!" He looks up at me.
"Your so handsome!" I tickle his cheek.
Rudy buries his face into my neck.
"Ariella are you ready?" Julie comes in.
"Yeah" I fix my hair placing Rudy down.
"Come on little guys let's go" Katie takes Rudy hand.
The girls leave and their is a knock at the door.
"Come in" I fan my face.
The door opens and Luke and Alex walk in.
"You looks great!" Luke smiles.
"Yeah Ari" Alex nods.
"God I'm nervous" I say.
"You'll be great" Alex wraps his arms me "I'm so proud of you".
"Stop" I try not to cry.
"Sorry" he chuckles.
Luke hugs me and says he's proud of me as well then they leave.
"Come on" the wedding planner says "their all ready for you Ariella".
'Invisible string instrumental' starts the play and the doors open.