"Did I fuck up?"

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I've been gone for a while because I ran out of ideas, but I thought of something now. So, here it is.

This is another soppy story, so be prepared to cry or frown in empathy (sorry y'all, I just had to make another one)😔

Forgive my mistakes, y'all 🥺🙏🏾

Word Count: 4691



Author's POV:

Today was the day they had a workshop before an appearance at an event the next day. They were looking forward to meeting and dancing with their fans. But Larry was the main one excited about this particular workshop because his special someone was gonna be there. Melissa. She informed him the day before that she was gonna visit him at the workshop and watch him dance. Him being head over hills in love with her jumped for joy after hearing the best news of his life.

Laurent on the other hand was disgusted that that plastic barbie bitch wanted to bring her ass up in their workshop and distract his brother. Mel knew that Laurent disliked her for the longest, and she liked getting on his nerves. She purposely announced that she would show up just to upset Laurent. Laurent knew this, so he was gonna make sure she wished she never came. If she wanted to be a petty bitch. He could be the biggest.

"I can't wait to see her, Lau," Larry said, jumping for joy as he put his hair into a low, afro puff in the bathroom mirror.

"Haven't I told you to stop speaking about her to me?" Laurent asked Larry in a annoyed tone, tired of telling Larry the same thing for the past few years.

"I'm sorry, Lau. But I don't understand what she ever did to you? She's been nothing but nice to you. She's been there for me and loves me for me."

"It's not even about me, Lar. It's about you. And FYI, she doesn't really love you. She has been nothing but a piece of horse ahit to me. You two broke up numerous times, and you say that she's been nothing but good to you? Do you know what 'nothing but good' means? It means loyal, respectful, kind, and loving. But I can say she does love you though."

"Thank you for saying one good thing about her," Larry said as he throwed his arms up, thinking that will be the end of all that negative shit talking about Melissa.

"Yeah, she sure loves that dick. That's exactly what she loves," Laurent spoke again, still holding that sweet expression that holds hatred behind it.

"Here we go again," Larry sighed, rolling his eyes. "Why can't you just move past all that? She admitted to doing wrong and she's fixing it."

"Are you a dumb fuck, or are you a dumb fuck? She's using the past to gaslight and manipulate your ass. She admits her wrongs and does them behind your back. You just don't get it, do you?" Laurent asked, turning to face Larry.

"What do I not get, Lau?"

"That she isn't the one, my brother. That she's a back stabbing bitch that wants nothing but money and dick."

"Look Lau, I don't have time to argue about my girl. So how about we get ready for this workshop, and I get ready to see my girl."

"You do you, Lar," Laurent said before leaving the bathroom.


Larry and Laurent got into the car, along with Eleni an Sabree, and left for the workshop. Usually, it would be Laurent, Sabree, and Eleni that would be gone already because Larry would still be getting ready, or whatever it is that he's always doing. But Larry was actually going to be on time today. Laurent knew it was only because of Melissa. She's the only one that has him jumping up and down like a little girl. And he hates it.

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