Chapter 28

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"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Julia stood there, she would see what he was playing at and only then would she put out all her cards.

Maybe he was not mad at her for the reasons that she thought he was, and with Alexander fear was not an option.

Julia tilted her head, she had done nothing wrong for her to be worried about nor warrant any lecturing from him.

"What did I do?"

"Really, sneaking out?"

"Well, you wouldn't let me out, so I had to make a plan."

"That friend of yours needs to be cut off."

One thing that never failed Alexander was the audacity he had, 

"You're not going to dictate whom I can or can't be friends with."

"She has influenced you into the wrong path."

"No, she was there for me at the worst times of my life."

"Yes, of course, she turned you for the worst."

"No, she hasn't. I make my own decisions."

"Sure you do."

"I'm an adult."

"An immature one."

"Oh, I'm childish, but you are the one throwing a temper tantrum."

"Julia, I'm giving you what you wanted."

"What do you mean?"

"You said you wanted me, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"Now I give it to you, and you're not satisfied."

Julia scoffed at his response, he was really great at working on her nerves, she calmed herself mentally and proceeded.

"I did say that, but nowhere did I say that we have to be together 24/7."

"But that is what I want."

"Don't you have friends?"

"I do, but my wife comes first."

Julia sighed, "You are not being reasonable at this point."

"I'm not. I want to know you in more detail."

"So doing this will make us closer?"


"Does that even make sense?"

"What do you mean?"

"So your solution is that we have to seclude ourselves."

"If it is needed."

Julia wanted whatever Alexander was on because they must be really good for him to think the b.s he was saying actually made any sense.

"I refuse. I'm not going to be cooped up in here."

"If you want to go out, I have to be there."

"Are you being serious right now?"

"With Ava, we went together everywhere."

"Well, sorry to break it to you that I'm not Ava. You're going to be disappointed, I'm afraid."

"So, we can work on it and become like that."

"Am I your rebound?"


"I guess I am, that is why you are saying a one-word response."

"Time will tell."

"What? So if you don't have feelings for me, you will break whatever this is?"

"Don't put words in my mouth, I never said that."

Classic of him to always avoid a question that was easy to answer by being vague,

"No, you did say that."

"You're overreacting at this point."

"How am I?"

"By responding like this."

Julia was shocked, how did he want her to respond at a time like this? 

"Wait, so we want me to be okay with you using me?"

"I also did not say that."

Julia shook her head, the way he was responding was signaling to her what he really thought about them being together.

"You're full of shit."

Alexander's eyes flashed, and he had lifted her off the ground and she was straddling him.

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