The bell rang and it was the first break of the day. The elves decided to go to the old mango tree. It was perfect for a group chat under the shade, Violet, Lucas, Norman, Jasper, Oliver, and Holly were all present. They were all the elves that were in the same school as Holly, and they were now eating Lucas's cookies. He was a baker elf that had a chipped ear and long green hair.
Holly: Yum! Lucas's cookies are always the best!
Norman: Quite true this is scrumptious!
Violet: Well he is a great baker after all
Jasper: So who is y'all partner in horrific history?
Holly: Kai the demon...
Norman: Choco the werewolf
Jasper: Wow? I got the Scarlet witch
Violet: I have that class after the second break
Lucas: I got it after this break time...They chatted then the bell rang so they all said goodbye. Then Holly and Norman saw Kai and Angelo sitting peacefully on the terrace above the mango tree. Both Kai and Angelo went to class when they heard the bell rang.
Their next class was spooky science, and their teacher was Wynter the Witch. She is now teaching how to brew potions. It was chemistry today and Holly's partner was Orion the wizard. Both of them enjoy each other's company but Norman feels a chill on his spine. He was jealous but tried his best not to show it.Norman:(no Norman their friends no need to get jealous)
Then he accidentally spilled a potion causing an explosion. Luckily no one was injured thanks to them. Hera the healer is a gender-fluid and a prodigy healer.
Holly: Norman are you alright?
Norman: Sorry Ms. Wynter I'm quite clumsy.
Ms. Wynter: It's alright as long as no one was hurt. Thank you Hera for your help.
Hera: No problem Ms.(TBC)

Reality 📖✨🌏
FantasyOne of my friends in school wrote a story about monsters and humans. She wanted to share her story that she wrote but she also didn't want to to be in the spotlight so she asked me if I could publish it and make her anonymous. Tbh it has quite of a...