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The day family and friends get together to share food.

Or if you're Lilly it's a day you wish the furniture will just open up and eat you.

At this moment she is sitting on the couch with her siblings, as Taylor yells, deafening her ear, about the game on tv. She was trying to move as far away from them as possible.

"Touchdown!" Taylor then turns to Oliver. "That's another 5 bucks you owe me."

Then dad introduces the man he decided to bring, because that always turns out great.

"Guys, this is my teaching assistant, Vali. Vali, these are my kids, Oliver , Taylor, Ann-Kat, and Lillian."

"The boy seems shorter than I imagined."

"Tv off guys."

The way that Lilly's fathers words lifted so much weight off her shoulders. She would finally be able to read her book. Honestly she would rather just go upstairs, but this is the one time her parents wanted her there.

It's just so Katie can show her mother what an amazing mom she is.

Unlike her twin, Taylor was upset that the game would be off. "But we have a bet on the game."

"Thanksgiving isn't about Football."

"It pretty much is. It's only not when you have a dad who isn't into sports."

"I'm into sports." He replies almost offended.

"Name three, NFL quarterbacks."

After a good pause. "I don't have to prove anything to you. Tv off."


The last page of Lilly's book arrived way too early. There was absolutely no way that she was going to go the rest of the evening without a book to mentally escape into.

Which meant she needed to go upstairs to grab one. She just needed to sneak past her mom to get to the steps.

Thankfully she was busy with the food and stewing about how grandma was a liar. Which also meant Lilly didn't get interrogated about what she was doing.

As she got to the upstairs hallway she could hear her father and grandma talking. But was going to ignore them as she passed on the way to her room.

But as she was passing she saw her father lean in and they shared a kiss. Startled, she ran to her room not to be caught. She could hear Greg stumbling to leave.

As she was deciding between books she got a text from Lucas.

'Hey, Happy Thanksgiving.'

'Happy Thanksgiving to you too. How's yours going?'

'Boring, Cooper and I are alone trying to celebrate. How's yours?'

'Well my mother is going crazy about grandma, I saw my dad kiss grandma, and I wish I could be anywhere else.'

'Maybe if you get a chance, you could make a break for it. I'll be your getaway driver and you, Coop and I can hangout.'

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought he would want to spend his holiday with her. Even if he's just trying to be nice.

'Maybe, I'll update you.'

X your potential partner in crime.'

This made her laugh. Blindly grabbing one of the books off the shelf because she couldn't think of anything other than Lucas, she began walking back downstairs. But this time with a smile.


"I'm taking it off!"

Some might hear that and think it's the start of some sexy fun, but no, It's Katie losing it on her mother. Then proceeding to grab the Halo Brace on her mother's head and swing it side to side.

Then Gregs TA says "There's something about a strong woman that gets me going."

As dad tries to break up the fight, he grabs grandma's chest.

At this moment Lilly decided to take Lucas's offer.

'Please come pick me up from this crazy place. I'll tell you about it when you get here.'

'You're getaway driver, is at your service.'


Next things she knows is Lucas driving up on a moped. Grabbing her phone she runs out before anyone sees. Planning to text Greg after they leave.

"Nice ride." She said with a small smile.

He grabs the extra helmet off the back. Turns to her and helps her put it on and strap it.

"Yeah, it's the only thing I can legally drive seeing as I'm 15. And all the staff are with there families. As they should be."

They pull off.

Quickly sending a text to her father telling him she'll be at a friend's place.

"Have you and Cooper eaten yet?" She almost had to yell so he could hear through the wind and helmet.

"We had some boxed Mac and Cheese."

"Would either of you mind if maybe I made something? It's the least I can do seeing as you're letting me crash your holiday."

"If you want to, I'm not going to tell you no. But don't feel like you need to. I invited you because I want to spend time with you." He said as they stopped at a stop light. Taking one of his hands and resting it on her outer thigh. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."


The rest of the day was spent watching movies, cooking together and teaching Lucas how to make brownies.

Lilly couldn't think of a time she had felt this happy and content outside of working at the shop.

She had never gotten a message from anyone in her family.

By the time Lucas had dropped her off everyone was already asleep.

Again dishes were left everywhere and she cleaned everything. Before finally making it up to bed.

Sending Lucas a text to make sure he made it back safe and waiting for a text back.

But she never got a text.

She got a call. One that ended with them talking until they both fell asleep, and her phone dying during the night because she didn't plug it in.

This was by far her favorite Thanksgiving.

Please vote and comment. This isn't my favorite writing so i'm sorry.<3

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