too sweet.

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"so when's the wedding?" haebom's innocent voice rung through the air, causing a violent choke from monji as she spat her coffee back into her cup.

"i hate you." the female sneered as she hastily grabbed a few napkins to dab of the spots of coffee that managed to spill onto her pants, "you've done fucked up my trousers now."

"boo hoo, just get a new pair you big baby," he shot her a judgemental look, "lord knows you need them."

monji quirked an annoyed eyebrow up at him, "and what is that supposed to mean?"

"let's just say coffee stains shouldn't be your biggest concern.." he eyes trailed down to the multiple paint stains littering both legs of her pants.

monji rolled her eyes at his judgemental looks and opted to throw a mushroom at his head from her unfinished plate, which he did not manage to dodge.

"EW." he rubbed at the spot where the vegetable had landed and retaliated by throwing a shred of lettuce at the girl.

the two started to fling pieces of food at each other, some pieces landing on tables of other customers, who gave them dirty looks which went ignored.


the duo halted their actions and slowly turned their head at the sound of the grumbled words.

a disheveled male glared back at the pair, causing panic to erupt as he continued to stare them down.

"o-oh! hey mr. barnes!" monji stuttered out quickly as she subtly quickly tried picking up the pieces of food scattered around her side of the table.

"long time no see, haha! c-congrats on the new cafe?" haebom joined in on the cleaning while still desperately trying to keep eye contact with the long haired male.

james was not having any of it as a swift smack was delivered to the back of both their heads, eliciting loud whines from both the teens.

"i swear i open for a week, and you two are already in here stirring trouble." the older male shook his head in annoyance at them before grabbing the hand towel slung over his shoulder to better clean his table.

"it's in our nature." monji chirped but quickly averted her eyes at the harsh glare that was sent her way, "but really, congrats on the new store! when we first heard about it from ms romanoff we didn't know it was yours."

james buchanan barnes lived next door to the two teens back in his early 20's, and has known them ever since. contact between them has stayed consistent, even despite the fact that he moved out of their apartment building a long time ago, they're practically family.

"yea, steve told me about an opening for a  building with cheap rent in campus, and i thought why the hell not." he stacked their plates and silverware into one neat pile before dragging a nearby chair and plopping down.

"so who's getting married?"

the girl let out a loud groan as she burried her hands into her palms, she could hear haebom's obnoxious cackle as he excitedly hit the man beside him.

"monji's got a man lover!"

"EW! don't call it that!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 08 ⏰

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cigarette smoke and love.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang