my weird FNAF dream

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Tw: Mentions of blood, gore, cursing, maybe suicide, self harm, many eyes, many teeth, distorted faces, impaling, sex and more.

( I may make this into an actual book but I highly doubt it unless it somehow gets a decent amount of attention or at least enough people are interested in it )

So, this really weird dream I had.. it was odder than most other dreams I've had, you see it's common for me to have dreams about existing games or shows and me and my friend to be " playing " the game together but I a 3D aspect of it.. bit this wasn't in my point of view, nor my friends, it was in the view of a favorite YouTuber of mine, fusionzgamer.
You see that dream was about a game that " I made " it was a FNAF fan game.. but not exactly how you'd expect it.
You see most FNAF fan games take place in usual time line, just have their own designs for characters, new voice lines, some new mechanics.. this was completely and utterly different, you see this took place in a snowy forest. We ( the player ) play as William, while in the forest we talk with this lunatic named Clara ( no not Clara Afton but another Clara ) claiming that she was the actual mother of Mike, Lizzy, and Evan even though she didn't have proof so William would ignore her.. after " a couple days " William came to the forets and couldn't find Clara. He eventually came across an injured dog, he tries to help it but it isn't safe and tries to bite him so he walks away to find someone who could maybe help, but then he finds a dead child, only head visible and rest of the body mashed and crushed ( no this isn't Susie she doesn't come in till later ) he then looks up to see people strapped to chairs, electric chairs, their faces were missing and faint screaming could be heard coming from them. Suddenly Clara appeared but distorted and all fucked up, she held an axe in one hand as she'd attempt to attack William, as time went one faces on everyone would appear, Clara becoming more distorted until finally William realizes he's trapped as well.. blood everywhere, holes through their hands and feet, faces distorted, managed, bleeding, stitches together.. screaming getting louder and louder till the stage breaks apart.... It cuts to white then fades to black.. then william falling until he's impaled wit spikes... fades to black.... then a distorted William appears on the screen.. no eyes, no teeth with a permanent smile, a hole through his chest, and a big gash in his face, in the shape of a huge eye, going from his forehead down to his chin.... Black goop and blood dripping from his eyes, mouth, hole, gash, hands, and feet... A text then appears saying " would you like to continue... Or go back and retry?... The choice is all yours...... " Then he'd say your name or name of computer, phone, or whatever name you go by in contacts and social media, if you hit continue a distorted Clara will appear behind you then disappear as William says " good luck... " you'll then get placed in another snowy forest where you'll meet Henry who is deeply scared and concerned though william ( you ) doesn't seem to care as you offer to help him find charlie and the others into which he agrees.. once found they'll travel along with you and you can use shift and 9 to make them split up if there are multiple directions to go, beware this can be dangerous as to Clara may be down one of those paths, if you go down, game over, you get spawned back at the same point in the roads, if not, the children will die instead, you get to see their corpses and know that it's " your fault " and can only continue, soon it's only William ( you ) and Henry left as you come across a mist filled room, you hand Henry the glass mask thinking you'll be okay but once out you start coughing.. eventually when Henry gets you to look at him you go mad and try to fuck him due to the gass having a type of mystified drug in it, as you'll have to chase him around until you get what you want... After fuckin' him senseless and knocking him out in hope he won't remember anything that had just happened you'll continue while carrying him.. saying " it'll be alright, you'll be fine.. you'll wake up..  I know you will.. my dear.. dear friend~ "
Then it cuts to black......
The ghosts of the children then appear with Clara behind them, strings attached to them as she says " they're my puppets now... Keep your eyes peeled or you'll be fed to the wolves~ " she'd then laugh and disappear as you save your game and continue through the snowy, cold forest.
As hours pass by Henry wakes up, still in pain from earlier but doesn't remember anything as he'd look up to see William carrying him as he'd groan " William put me down- I can walk- " which in responses William will just look at him " you really think you can after that ' fall ' you had a couple hours ago? " In which Henry was confused, he didn't remember " falling " but apparently he " did " as Henry rolled his eyes " I'm sure now put me down you cock sucker.. " and william just dropped him as he continued on, causing Henry to get up instantly and followed closely after " THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!? " but if course Henry didn't get a reply from William, only silence as suddenly henrys legs gave out on him causing him to face plant into the ground " ow- fucking god.. "
William would look back at him and chuckle " see what I mean now? Now are you gonna let me carry you or do you want to crawl the whole way~ just pray nothing gets ya while in that snow~ " which Henry didn't take that lightly as he'd roll his eyes " okay 1. Fuck you! 2. Please pick me up.. I ain't risking getting sick, bitten, or anything of the sort.. "
" Good choice Henry..~ " William picked him up, as Clara watched in the distance, clealry pissed off, she was hoping they'd be dead but no, as she follows behind closely, she's going to make sure if they're gonna get out, they're both going to be monsters by the end of it.. well Henry that is since William is already classified as one at this rate due to looks and such.. as she'd follow.. watching them solve puzzles until they come across the dead corpses of Lizzy, Evan, and Mike..
And oh boy is William not happy...

ÑØ5 HÆ006 Ã5 ÄLL..

He'd then fafe the screen, glaring at it, and glaring at you.. this wasn't your fault yet he acts as if it is.. then his neck snaps backwards, strings all around him, as Clara's eyes appear behind him.. looking from him, to you...

" DŒÑ'5 ẞÆ6 À 2Ø4D 5Ø ÇHÆ4LÏÈ~ "

It then cuts to black once more.. showing the end of the demo of the game.. and trust me.. if you saw what I saw.. you'd be equally as horrified..

" till then..~ "

and that's all I got.. the dream just kinda cut off..

But yeha let me know if I should make this into a book perhaps! But I highly doubt many people would even read it so what's the point but if it does get enough attention then maune I will make a book about it, but till then this id what y'all got for it, also damn over 1000 words- that's more than I expected-
So yeah, that's the word dream I had

I'll call it...

" Five " nights in the frosty forest

I hope that name doesn't already exist-
If it does let me know and I'll change it

But anyways that's all from me!

Ace out!

Ps: designs may be added later or in the book if I even make it ^^
Also Keep in mind character designs won't be exact as the original game due to this being set in a cold place instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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weird ass fnaf dream I had lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now