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                             I AM BACK !

              दीवाना कर रहा है तेरा रूप सुनहरा
           मुसलसल खल रहा है मुझको अब ये सहरा
                    बता, अब जाएँ तो जाएँ कहाँ?

              दीवाना कर रहा है तेरा रूप सुनहरा           मुसलसल खल रहा है मुझको अब ये सहरा                    बता, अब जाएँ तो जाएँ कहाँ?

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Target- 400 votes and 40+ comments.

I stood at the door, glancing at my watch again and again.

A woman with the same brown hair as Shreya caught my attention as she entered inside but soon I let out a disappointed sigh when I realised it was someone else.

"Everything went well in London?" Mr. Sharma asked with his arm locked with his wife who had those brown hair. I nodded before we both hugged each other.

"Congratulations for the 50 years of your company!" He congratulated offering me a smile and went inside.

"Viaansh! What are you doing at the door? Come and engage with the guests!" Papa exclaimed from afar and I nodded hesitantly and was about to just go when a shout stopped me.

"Viaansh!" I turned around to see kiara , running to me before hugging me tightly. I hugged her back but my eyes were behind her.

Looking at Shreya's brother and parents and the small smile I had at my face from the morning, waiting desperately to meet my girl faded away.

I walked to her parents and touched their feet before looking up at her mother. "Mi Reina- no I mean Shreya, where is she?" I asked and her face showed me the disappointment that I didn't wanted to see.

"Beta, she got heavy fever. She couldn't even manage to walk properly so I told her stay home even though she protested to come." She said.

"Is there someone with her at home right now?" I asked her and she shook her head. "She said she could live alon—" I didn't heard her further because I had already stepped enough away from them.

"Viaansh! Where you going, leaving the party?" I heard my mom shouting behind me but I didn't paid attention to anything, sitting inside my car.

How can they leave her alone at house if she's that sick?

I don't even remember the last time when I drove my car so speedily.

The venue of our occasion was in delhi as most of my business partners are here.

I parked my car instantly in front of her house and was about to go inside when a loud gasp left my mouth because of what I saw.

"Shreya!" I shouted running towards the window.

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