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When all of the guys of Seventeen loaded up in the van, SCoups, wondered what was the connection between me and Yuta. He saw something but didn't want to make more into it if he didn't have too so he asked Wonwoo, "um, what is up with NaRi and the guys from NCT? It seeems that she was really wanting them to be there and they also act they are really concerned about her."

"Everyone that truly wants what is best for my sister acts concerned but they are all friends, I think that Yuta may be a little more into her, but I hope for her sake he doesn't make a move on her cause she needs to heal not fall for someone else who will break her heart." SCoups was wondering if he meant that for everyone? He understood the worry but not every guy will be that cruel like the others. "I just hope one of them can convince her to get some sleep."

"Me too."SCoups said and just leaving it there.

All of us got off the elevator and I had to admit the more I was walking the harder it was getting. I was feeling the effects of my two day binge so I was looking forward to going to bed. We got off the elevator just to see Namjoon coming our way, he looked up and saw me then seeing who was all with me, "hey you." he said, Yuta took a step closer to me. "just getting home?"

"Yes I got my song recorded today."

"For real? I am so happy for you!" he said, "so what is next?" Yuta was wanting him to stop trying to make small talk cause he knew that I needed rest not to entertain someone that has already proven to not really care.

"Completing the book and doing a music video for the song." I said.

"Well you know I will do whatever you need me to make that happen, all you have to do is ask." Namjoon said that was when Yuta spoke up.

"You promised you would get some sleep, you can't do that standing here." Johnny and Mark had to refrain from laughing at how Yuta was acting but that just made Namjoon ask.

"Have you not been sleeping?" he asked.

"No, I kinda went on a two staying up binge." I said.

"For why? Why didn't you contact me I would've come over." Namjoon said Yuta was about to loose his patience with this guy,"why be down the hall if you won't call me to help?"

"There was nothing you could do and I didn't need you coming over trying to make me stop what I was doing, I promise as soon as I go in I will go to bed, these three are going to make sure of it so don't worry." Mark, Johnny and Yuta were looking at him like, 'did you hear her? We've got this so leave.'

"I certainly hope you do, I won't keep you but don't do anything like this again cause we don't need you sick, ok?" Namjoon said, "I will check in on you tomorrow."

"That sounds good, talk to you later." 

"Yes you will." and with that he went on his way and I headed to unlock my door, Yuta saw the look on my face, the look of a person that was still in love but knew that wasn't going to happen so he hoped he could change that. We all walked in and I made my way to the couch laying flat out on it making noises. The guys saw a place that was unkept, there was drawn on paper, markers and colored pencils on the floor and laundry laying wherever it landed, Yuta looked at the other two.

"I know the place looks like a tornado came through but I will clean it tomorrow. I didn't move from this room so everything just ended up staying where I left it." I said.

"How about you go take a hot shower before you fall asleep on the couch?" Yuta said, I looked over at him. "you will feel better if you do."

"Are you saying I stink?" I knew my hair hadn't been washed or brushed, my teeth may have been neglected but did I stink? I raised up my shirt sticking my head in taking in a whiff, that made them laugh, "um, don't answer that cause I just got my answer." I got back up, "I will be back, hopefully I won't fall asleep in the shower."

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"You better not! Do what you can and get out." Yuta said , I raised up my arm giving him a thumbs up and kept walking.

"This place looks rough." Mark whispered. "it makes me really worried at just how bad it was for her."

"Right, like what if she hadn't showed up at the recording studio would she still be going on without sleeping or eating?" Johnny said.

"We all know what the answer to that is." Yuta said, "find a pile and at least gather it up to another spot cause I believe that if we leave it she will think about it and want to clean it up and not sleep." Yuta said wishing there was a way he could stay without making it obvious he was head over heels for this person.

I got my hair washed and did a quick shave of my legs and armpits, then a full body wash and I had to admit it did feel amazing. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me looking in the mirror and I saw firsthand what my actions caused, no wonder everyone was worried about me. I was so relieved to have my song done and all that I did while I wasn't sleeping or eating but I can'tdo that again. I put on some face cream as I brushed my teeth soon realizing I didn't have anything but this towel , what was I going to do I had three guys in the living room and I didn't think I could just walk out looking like this, I finished brushing my teeth, opening the door and saying, "Um, guys can you hear me!" When I said that at the tone I did all of them thought I was hurt and came around the corner just to see me standing there in just a towel, all eyes went from me to wherever else they could stare at. 

"Are you hurt?" Yuta said.

"No, I was going to tell all of you to close your eyes cause I didn't have any clothes to change into but I guess that is useless. Keep looking up so I can walk by all of you."

"No problem." they all said. I gathered up the towel around me to make sure it didn't fall off then quickly walked past them, Yuta heard me trying to hurry.

"Slow down so you don't fall, we are good."he said so I did what he said until I was in my room safely behind the door all of them lowered their head.

"How are we supposed to pretend we didn't just see what we saw?" Mark asked.

"By keeping it to yourself." Johnny said. Yuta had the image etched in his memory, he knew that he wouldn't soon forget the breathtaking sight that was just mere feet in front of him. 

I got dressed into a pair of sleep pants and a baggy Hello Kitty shirt then made my way back into the living room only to see that things were picked up, I made my way over to where all of them were sitting, "did you not hear me say I would clean up tomorrow? I don't expect all of you to clean up after me." Yuta patted the couch, "did you hear me?" He looked up at me and all he could remember was what he had seen earlier, he had to regroup.

"Yes I did hear you and we didn't clean up we just picked things up so stop worrying and come sit down." he said seeing I wanted to protest, he thought it was the cutest thing ever but I finally did come to sit down. "feel better?"

"Yes and I can promise I don't stink." I said making them all laugh. "I appreciate all of you staying but you can go home if you want."

"We will in a bit." Yuta said looking over at me. "how can we leave without you giving us a promise you won't stay up?" Mark and Johnny both were nodding in agreement.

"Cause I am sleeping that is why." I didn't see any of them believing, "what, do all of you want to sleep over to see I will keep my promise?" Yuta had to refrain from answering that. "I don't have a reason to stay up cause I did it all."

"That is a plus cause none of us want to see what we saw when you walked out of that recording booth. All of this work you are putting in on this book won't be worth it if you are in the hospital, am I right?" he said.

"Yes you are right and I got the memo." I said. "I do need to come up with a concept for the video."

"You can do that tomorrow, NaRi!" Yuta said getting the attention of not only me but of Johnny and Mark. "do I need to make you pack a bag so you can come stay with us so we can make sure you go to sleep?" I didn't know why he was acting like this , I knew I pushed things but he was acting like it was a life or death situation. "I am not trying to boss you around I just want you to be ok."

"I promise all of you I will go straight to be after all of you and after I get me a snack." I said smiling, Yuta, who was upset before couldn't hold his smile in any longer either, "I am craving some ice cream!"

"One bowl." he said pointing to me.

"Um, maybe we should stay,ice cream sounds really good?" Mark said.

"I would share with you!" I said, "Johnny?"

"Heck yeah!" Johnny said.

"Another time, geez! If you two stay she won't get any sleep cause it would end up being a slumber party!" Yuta said.

"You can have a bowl of ice cream, I have plenty." I said to him, he was having a hard time not showing what he was really feeling inside, that staying would be just what he wanted but he had to be strong even it was going to be hard.

"Raincheck." he said getting to his feet. "come on you two so she can go to sleep." He looked at them and they gave him a sad look, I saw them and did the same thing. "oh come on! Don't make me the bully! Come on you can come back and eat all of the ice cream you want after she sleeps!"

"You are being a meanie." Johnny said getting to his feet, Mark followed so did I.

"You two can come back, I will buy alot with all the fixings and Grumpy dad can stay home." I said, Mark and Johnny busted out laughing after what I called him.

"Grumpy dad! That is you!" Mark said pointing at him.

"I am not Grumpy, thank you." Yuta said. "give us all a hug before I do leave these two with you." I went to Mark first giving him a hug then I moved on to Johnny.

"I am lucky to have all of you." I said going to Yuta and as I put my arms around him I held on a little too long and he didn't mind it a bit. "Thank all of you for seeing me home and making sure I am ok, it means alot." I said letting go.

"Even if you didn't want us to follow you home we would've of showed up anyways but we are glad you wanted us." Yuta said. "be sure to lock the door behind us and don't let that neighbor in no matter how much he knocks, got it?"

"Got it but he knows the code cause he owns the whole floor." I said.

"Excuse me?" Yuta said, "you are saying he can come in if he really wanted?" I nodded, he didn't like that one bit.

"Don't worry I put on the dead bolt so unless he bust the door down he can't get in." I said and he felt a little better.

"Good, we will check in with you tomorrow." 

"Sounds good." I said walking them to the door, "one of you send me a text when you get home cause I won't go to sleep until I get one."

"We will." they all said and soon with a wave they were gone and when they heard the door locking they made their way to the elevator. Before getting on it Yuta looked down the hall not liking who much control Namjoon had but for now there was nothing he could do so he let it go for now.

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