Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

There Frieren and I sat, trapped within the lit confines of the dungeon cell beneath Granat's opulent mansion. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of our predicament, the only sound echoing through the cold stone walls being the distant murmur of voices from above. The cell itself was spacious by dungeon standards, and I'd been in plenty.

"Well, this is predicament," I remarked with a weary sigh, breaking the somber silence. "We try to help, and this is what we get?"

"Yeah, well, they'll understand soon enough. The demons will do something," Frieren added, her voice tinged with a bit of boredom. "It's so boring..." She looked up at the ceiling.

"I know," I murmured in agreement.

Our solitude was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, and we turned to see Stark and Fern standing on the other side of the bars, their expressions grave.

"We...have bad news," Fern began in a sad tone.

"They said you'll both be down here for two to three years," Stark added. Two to three years? That wasn't bad at all.

"A shorter term than I had expected. Could you bring me a few grimoires later" Frieren requested. I laughed internally.

Fern placed her hands on the bars. "Listen, I know you don't experience time like other people, but this is going a bit too far," She pouted.

"It's not like I chose to be locked away," the elf countered.

"Yeah, I didn't choose to either. So, what was it about them being in a peace envoy?" I asked the two. I wondered what the demons were up to. Whatever it was, it was no good.

"We asked questions while we were out shopping. Have you heard of Aura the Guillotine?" Fern inquired, directing her attention to Frieren. I haven't heard that name in a long time. She was one bad individual.

"Aura the Guillotine. She's one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, which were all commanded by Schlacht the Omniscient as he was a close servant to the Demon King," I interjected. Frieren's gaze flickered towards me, a subtle indication of intrigue at my knowledge, though her demeanor remained unchanged.

"Indeed," she acknowledged, turning her attention back to Fern and Stark. "We killed most of her followers, but she slipped away and disappeared. Has she reemerged?"

"I'm afraid so. She regained power twenty-eight years ago. Since then, her forces have been locked in battle with this town. There have been many casualties. The demons have grown exhausted of this endless fighting. They came here to propose a truce," Fern elaborated, her tone heavy with the weight of the situation.

"And that's why they were let inside as envoys," I muttered in frustration, shaking my head at the shortsightedness of such a decision. "How foolish,"

"It's unwise. There's no use in trying to negotiate with their kind," the elf asserted. She knew their kind as much as I did.

Stark lowered himself to a squat, his expression reflecting a glimmer of optimism amidst this issue. "Surely some good can come out of it. Couldn't they just talk it out and stop figh--,"

"No," I clenched my fist. "Nothing can and will be resolved that way, not with demons. You cant talk to their kind," I interrupted firmly, cutting off his train of thought. "All they'll do is lie to you and take everything you have, including your life. You wonder why they speak a human tongue?" I posed the question to the two outside the bars, my tone bitter.

"He's right. Demons use words to trick humans. You can't trust a thing they say," Frieren chimed in, her voice carrying experience and caution. "They're monsters who learned to speak. It's in their blood. They descended from liars. They're monsters that can lure in humans by crying, help me," The realization seemed to settle upon Fern and Stark, their expressions shifting from hopeful anticipation to somber understanding. With a resigned sigh, they reluctantly departed from our cell. "Don't forget the grimoires!" The elf called after them, a final reminder of the small comforts during our confinement. As the disappeared from vie, we were once again left alone in the confines of our dungeon cell.

Frieren's Undead Warrior (Frieren x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt