Intro♡ part 1

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☆I forgot to put in the previous one, but I am aware that Alastor is aro-ace. And he's gonna be 100% ace, but for the sake  of this fanfiction, he's gonna be on the Greyromantic side. He's not canonically, and saying he is, is erasure, but for the sake of this silly fic, he is. Thank you for reading in any case☆

         ♡ In alphabetical order ♡

Adam: While other Yanderes will try to convince you the reason for their actions are all to protect you,Adam is different. He wants you because he thinks he deserves you. He's the first man after all and already had 2 failed marriages, Having whoever he wants is his right, in his eyes. Be fully believes that you should be grateful that he even acknowledges your existence and that the 'dickmaster' has picked you of all people.
♡ will they hurt you : physically,  if he has to, he usually pulls your hair and isn't afraid to slap you if needed. Verbally, yes, all the time sometimes on accident. He just says whatever comes to mind, some are nice," you're like, so hot we go together perfectly" and sometimes not so much, " why are you such a whiney bitch, if I let you go, who would even care for you, it's not like anyone liked you before".

Alastor: OH boy, Alastor had never saw a need for love. He thought it held people back and was a silly distraction for overly emotional people until, of course, he met you. You brought him joy that he didn't really understand, but instead of ignoring it, he decided that he deserved to have you. It would be very thrilling to have someone who would stay by his side for eternity. He decided, however, to keep it a secret to avoid being seen as weak. He practically forced you to make a deal with him, saying he'll always protect you as long as you gave him your soul. Which makes it extra hard for you, because not only are you forced to stay with him, you can't even tell anyone about it.

♡ Would they hurt you?:
Surprisingly, not physically. He has other ways of controlling you. He owns your soul after all. Also, he usually uses fear against you and mocks you.

Angel Dust: (Although this is gender neutral, I'm writing this in the mindset of the reader being male,if that makes any sense)

Angel Dust didn't really see his feelings for you as anything serious at first, but slowly but surely, he became more and more attached. He felt that he had to protect you from people like Valentino. This is ironic because, even if he isn't as extreme as Valentino, he spends so much time at the studio that some of his abusive traits rub off on Angel. Unintentionally, of course, if you call him out on it, he'll apologize a million times.

♡ Would they hurt you?
He tries his hardest to avoid hurting you in anyway, but sometimes it's unavoidable, especially if you try to escape. He'll hate himself later, though.

☆ (A/N :ty for reading. Remember to leave requests for a scenario. The next one should be out tomorrow ) ☆

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