It was 9:00am in The Black Mamba's hide out. We all sleep there. Well, when we aren't in our own flats. The main "hide out" belongs to Raenelle. His family isn't around often. The remains of his family anyway... His dad left him before he was born and his mum tries to find the spare money. She has no job, but the stuff she does is classed as a job in her opinion. You wouldn't like to know what she does to get money. She is desperate for money; she'll do anything.
"Morning, Mambas." Reece said cheerily, whilst grabbing the weed and Rizla off the table and throwing himself on to the sofa.
Rubbing his eyes, Raenelle said "Wagwarn Reece," he paused "You good yeah?"
"Yeah I'm bless. Yesterday was mad though." He said with happiness, then started to grind the weed up.
Keisha was still in bed, well, I say still in bed, she's probably getting ready. See, I don't understand girls, I mean, its nine in the morning, why can't you just come out of your room without make up and ting. Ok, I understand you got to do your hair and whatever, but come on man, where would you be going this early anyway?
Kyle and Natasha were at their own flats. Knowing Kyle, he probably asked Natasha over to his. I did mention he has a mad crush on her right? Ha, the guy never gives up.
I didn't get much sleep last night... Can you blame me though?
"Oi, Daniel, wagwarn cuz? Why you so quiet?" Reece laughed whilst taking a puff of the spliff.
Rae gave me a look.
You know one of those looks where the person knows the reason why you're upset.
"He's obviously still in shock innit..." Rae said looking at me then looking at Reece.
The thing is, I was expecting Reece to make a sarcy comment or something. So I just cut my eye at him, waiting for him to say it.
Reece took two more puffs, then said, "Don't be wet man." then slowly blowing out the smoke.
"Shut up bruv! You're all talk and no action, Reece! I'd like to see how you'd cope in that situation!" I yelled in anger.
Reece kissed his teeth then replied "You're a wasteman cuz, how you gonna be in the gang then get shook when you fire a bullet."
I jumped to my feet, my body posture strong, "You can fire the next bullet then innit. Fucking prick!"
"Guys allow it man! Both of you just shut up. You're both acting like two little school girls." Raenelle shouted out, with an irritated look on his face.
I looked at him, then looked at Reece, he had a smug look on his face. I wish I could just spark him then and there!
"I see how it is then yeah Rae," I kissed my teeth then said under my breath, "I'm out of here man." Then stormed out of the flat, bashing the door on my way out.
"DICKHEAD." I heard come out from the flat as I stormed down the corridor. Sounded like Reece. Sideman. I was out of there man. Real talk, I was vex.
I made my way to my yard on the fourth floor, sprinting down the stairs because the lifts were broken. They need to get fixed you know. They've been like that for ages. I really wish I could move out of this estate; it's doing my head in.
Unlocking my front door, I yelled, "Yo, is anyone in?" - No reply.
To be honest, I was used to being alone in the flat now anyway. It's not like I'm ever in the flat much, but whenever I pop in, I kind of guess that it's gonna be empty. I walked into the living room and my house phone was flashing. There was a message.
"Hi son, it's mum here. Just wanted to let you know that I stayed at a friend's house last night... I realised you wasn't in because you didn't pick up the phone. Anyway, I left some chips and fried chicken in the microwave for you, hopefully they still taste good. Stay out of trouble yeah? I know you've been hanging around with them bad breeds. You need to focus on your school work, you're going to college soon and-" I deleted the message. I couldn't be bothered to listen to her whining and moaning through the phone. It was too early and I was already pissed off. I grabbed the food from the microwave and threw a cold chip in my mouth. I screwed my face and chucked the chips in the bin. I took a bite of the fried chicken leg; it was alright. So I picked up the two pieces of chicken, grabbed a can of Red Bull from the fridge, and then made my way to my room.
"Jesus, what is that smell?" I gagged out of disgust.
I sniffed all around my room, chucking my can of Red Bull on my bed. I looked under my bed and there was some left over food starting to rot. I raised my top lip and pulled my white Nike t'shirt over my nose and dashed the food out of the window.
I sprayed my new Lynx deodorant all over my room; excite. Excite Lynx was my favourite one out of all of them.
I switched on my PlayStation and jumped on my bed. As I picked up the controller and opened my can of Red Bull, I got a phone call. It was Kyle.
I answered it, "Yo, Kyle."
"Yo, Dan I need you to come round ASAP fam, be here in an hour yeah?"
Kissing my teeth I replied, "Why man? What's the rush? I'm about to play some Fifa and you're belling me at nine in the morning. What's so urgent that I need to come round ASAP?" - There was a pause.
"Just... Please man, I need to speak to you."
Getting irritated now, I said, "But what's so-"
"Cool, one hour yeah. Don't make me wait. Bless."
Then he locked off. I threw my phone on to the bed and kissed my teeth again. I took a sip of my Red Bull and pressed the start button for Fifa. What could he want that's so important for me to come so urgently?