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WARNING: a small sex scene.

The brunette crossed his arms as he furrowed. Thinking about what he had heard before closing the window to the outside. He did have a balcony but it didn't have such a Greek architecture like the other's rich ass. He scoffed. It was for sure impossible for Chester to just fall in love with a dickhead.

From their small talk from a month ago and a few weeks he had noticed how the other is though. Was Santi trying to get the other fall in love with him so easily or was there something behind their relationship status.

Santi was generally a weird guy, sometimes he seemed unhuman to him. Which was sure, something overreacting to say but the way he would say some things or do stuff. He cannot let someone like him get to Chester, even if it means having to hurt the blondes trust.

He sighed, bouncing himself off the wall that he had been leaning on and walked to his couch, laying down as his cat jumped beside him. Resting right under his arm that he held up so he wouldn't put too much pressure on the small animal. Petting it in the progress. So his Sister - that he has actually been avoiding for years wants to visit him. There was no way out of that because he doesn't know when she will come over.

His breath hitched as he kept going back to what he had heard. Sure, maybe it was a weird thing to do but he needed some information on what was going on.

With one last thought he closed his eyes and removed his arm on the cat, putting it to the side of the cat and pulling it close.


"Look- I know this might be weird to ask after a month of knowing each other but um...Do you want to be my boyfriend?" The redhead leaned over the counter of the other. The blonde looked back blushing. "Excuse me?" He asked as he had wide eyes, being surprised at the sudden speech. "You heard me." He smirked at the bluffed Chester.

"Oh... um I like you too- No- I love you even...it's just that I didn't expect a guy like you to get so impatient of getting into a relationship." He chuckled it off as he got onto his tippy toes to reach the metal box which had Coffee inside. He opened it and took a small spoon out to put some of the dark Pulver in the mug. He heard shuffling behind him as he continued making his coffee, It was something he needed for the day.

"So were boyfriends now?" Santi came behind him and wrapped his arms around the muscular waist of his lover. "Yeah, you could say so." The blonde smiled gently as he felt the other hide their face in his neck.

"Just so I'm sure, how do you feel about the topic of having sex?" The redhead whispered into Chester's ear, causing the other to shiver at the sudden deep voice. "I think I'm ready for that... I mean I don't care. We can do it whenever we want." He sighed heavily as he closed the small container and put it aside. Taking the hot milk and pouring it into the mug, soon mixing it up and putting some sugar in it.

He took a few sips as they stood there like that. Suddenly he felt something wet his the back of his neck, soon following a bite onto the sensitive skin. Chester gasped as he shakily put down the mug. "Warn me next time you buffalo!" He chuckled a bit as the other pulled away from his neck.

"You really want it huh?" Chester looked behind himself at the other who was looking at him with lust in his eyes.

"I've been dreaming of it." They moved together to the Blondes massive bedroom. Chester stumbled as they walked the whole time because he was turned around to face the other while making out.

He gasped as they both fell onto the bed, the redhead climbing on top of the other. Although they didn't want to waste anymore time it was already clear who was bottom or top or who was dominant or submissive.

Although Chester wished to be top he let this one time slide, because they seemed to be in a rush with their little love making.

Soon both of their T-Shirts were slid off as they aggressively grinded onto each others thighs.


Parker woke up to small banging and creaking sounds. He groaned as he sat up, waking his cat from it's sleep in the progress. Once he was awake and to himself fully he tried to listen to the sounds, was someone renovating their room in the middle of the night? Seriously?

He then noticed the sounds were coming from his right, and the apartment that was on the right side of his was Chesters. Was he seriously moving furniture- oh, wait.

His skin went pale as he noticed that it wasn't just moving furniture but someone was having fun with their partner at night. He gagged at the thought of Chester doing it with Santi. He cannot be doing that right?

He couldn't hear any moaning sounds or so, just bed creaking and banging. One thing was for sure, only Parker could hear it because he was the nearest to the bedroom of the blonde. Parker couldn't really go somewhere else other than his bathroom, which wouldn't be comfortable to sleep in or his bedroom, which was actually being renovated and had wet walls from fresh paint.

Meaning he will have to lay there the whole time and listen to. those. sounds.

He kept gagging every 2 to 3 minutes because of the sounds. He sighed heavily as he tried to cover his ears somehow, which will for sure bring pain to his arms once he wakes up or when its over.


The blonde shuffled around in his bed, he only had a pair of boxer shorts and he is heavily dirty from last night. Santi complained the whole time of not wanting to go int he shower together so he decided to stay in bed with the redhead.

He didn't mind, aftercare doesn't always have to happen right?

Chester looked to his side, seeing that the bed was empty and there was no presence of his lover. Yet he could hear the sounds of someone in the kitchen and he guessed it was just Santi. His arms and body was covered in bitemarks. Which will be hard to cover but he didn't care because he had a whole week free. It will either ways disappear in 3 days or so, unless they do it one more time. As he thought about last night he couldn't help but something was off about it or wrong. He bit his lip as he thought about it more, what made it so weird? Did something happen last night that he cannot remember but still lets the weirdness linger in the air?

He tried to shrug it off but it didn't work, he kept thinking about it and after some time of thinking he felt the urge to throw up, not actually but he wanted to gag so hard at it. Did he not like sex anymore or was he just not used to having sex with a second person? Well it had been a very long time ever since he had sex with someone.

He pulled his hands to his face, as if he was trying to hide from yesterday. What was wrong with him?

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