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"You have a DATEE??" Lemon immedietly stopped what she was doing


"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME." Lemon grabbed my shoulders started to shake me

"I thought I didnt need t-"

"You have to tell me that goes on between you and your boyfriend now- I need to help youu~" Lemon continued shaking me, harder now

My shoulders were prob gonna fall off but its Lemon, its fine.

"We. Need. To. Go. Out. Now." Lemon immedietly went over to change her clothes

Welp looks like I got no choice

After Lemon was done changing, she called over for me

"Why are you still in uniform?" She looked at my attire

"Eh.. I dont have that many clothes. Beside Im a bit lazy to change right now."

I didnt have many clothing options- my closet only consist of 3 pairs of the uniform, 2 adler dorm sleepwear (basicslly a hoodie and shorts), and 3 of the same outfit that looks decent on me

I had no fashion taste at all right now- Everthing in this world didnt match up to my fashion likes

"Its fine~ were going to town asap." She grabbed my arm and dragged me out

I swear sometimes Im a ragdoll..



"It looks bad."

"Absolutely not."

"I dont like it."

"It doesnt look good on m-"

"IS THERE A SINGLE CLOTHING ITEM THAT YOU LIKEE?" Lemon was in tears while I was still looking around

"Hmm.. does the store take special orders?" I looked around for the shopowner

"Hmm.. I think they do." Lemon placed down the clothing items she had on hand and walked over to where I was standing

"It probably cost a lo-"

I showed her the pouch I had

Ends and then begins~♡ Rayne AmesWhere stories live. Discover now