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It was night, the night before the big day. Navira and the Sullys sat in the tent and you could hear the laughter of the teenagers. Spider was there too Navira got along well with him she sometimes went hunting with Lo'ak and Kiri and Spider. She didn't treat him differently, he was her friend.

"But Navira remember when we went into the forest together and Lo'ak was attacked by thanator" Kiri asked. Navira rememberd that, Navira , Kiri and Lo'ak were running through the woods and Lo'ak wouldn't be Lo'ak if he thought that the thanators back was a stone and leaned on it.

''Yes and we had to save him'' Navira said while she was laughing.

"I really don't know how you got to that point, you're really a Skxawng baby bro" Neteyam said

"Hey but luckily he's our Skxawng'' Navira said

Navira needed to express her feelings about Neteyam, so she decided to tell Kiri.

"Hey Kiri can i maybe talk to you in private it's quite important". The girl whispered so only Kiri could hear.

''Yes, sure, let's go outside"

"Where are you two going". Spider asked.

"We're going to have a little talk". said Kiri

''Are you okay Vira?'' Neteyam asked his bestfriend

"Yeah, Teyam"

The two girls left the tent and walked to a small lake.

''What did you want to say to me Vira". Kiri asked.

She took a deep sigh. "Um, I keep thinking about our conversation in the morning about your brother."

"What's wrong with my brother? Are you two fighting?"

''No, we're not fighting. The girl chuckled. Okey how do I say this. She took a deep breath."I think I'm in love with Neteyam"

"Awh, that's so cute but why do you look so sad"

''Because I'm scared, I'm scared that I'm going to lose my best friend over a stupid feeling or maybe he only sees me as a friend''

"I'm going to tell you something, love isn't a stupid feeling and I'm sure this won't ruin your friendship. You are best friends Neteyam cares about you and when the time comes there will probably be a new chapter in your guys's relationship''

"Thank you, I really needed to express my feelings"

"I'm always there for you, so when are you going to tell him?''

''When i am ready''

The two girls sat there for a while until Kiri got tired. When they came back, Kiri immediately went to sleep and the rest eventually fell asleep except Neteyam and Navira. The two were cuddled next to each other. They did that often it was something they did since they were little.

"Are you ready for tomorrow Navira?"

''Yeah and you?'' Navira asked

"I was born ready"

The girl chuckeld at his words.

"I am proud of you Neteyam you have achieved so much"

''I am also proud of you Vira". Neteyam blushed at her words. "From tomorrow everything will be different, we will be considered adults and together we will become the best warriors Pandora has ever seen''

''Yes when we are together we can handle anything''

"Goodnight Teyam." Navira said

"Goodnight Vira." She responded

After a few minutes Neteyam had fallen asleep and only Navira was awake, she put her arm on his cheek and caressed it and whispered the words''You are my mighty warrior". He looked so cute when he sleeped. Eventually Navira fell asleep to.
End of chapter five

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Hugs from Miracle<3

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