Chapter 14 - 🥵HUH?🥵

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Written March 1st, 2024
Edited: April 5th, 2024

Authors Note: I have a new emoji rating since there's no fucking lime emoji. 🥵= Lime/Spicy but not straight up porn.

- Next Day -

Aizawa huffs out, hair pulled into a man bun he stares at the broken window. Having had to go to the hardware store early in the morning to get some wood to fix the frame, Hawks did more damage then he originally thought. He ended up having to replace the whole goddamn frame. The wood was split in several places where he broke in, fucker must have done it while she was in the hospital and waited till she got home to break in.

Wiping the sweat from his brow he huffs out. "Kitten? Can you come help me for a moment please?" He calls out to me, I stop writing at my desk. Looking up I see him holding a thick wooden board, I nod and eagerly get up to help him. "I need you to hold this for me so I can screw it in place.." He heaves up a thick board of wood adjusting it so its in an optimal position, I nod and walk over. "Here please." I grab the board and press it tight against the wall. He has a bunch of screws in his mouth, he quickly uses his drill gun he borrowed from Power Loader to push in four long screws. He finally gets it in allowing me to let go, he huffs out. The both of us step back and look.

"Its like the fort knox of windows.." I say while staring at it. The whole thing locked up tight.. but I bet Hawks could still get in if he really wanted too.

"Should last us until we move out in twenty days... I'll do a more permanent fix during summer break. but I would still feel more comfortable with you sleeping in my bed with me rather then the couch... My room only has once entrance and the doors fortified, it's able to withstand super strength." Aizawa says with a grit of his teeth, taking advantage of my fears so he can continue to hold me at night.

"W-Well.. if you don't mind.. that should be okay.." I blush while looking away from him, playing with my fingers. "Last night.. was one of the best nights sleep I've gotten since the original Hawks incident..."

Aizawa looks to me and sighs softly with a frown. Hating how that bastard ruined his kitten. "You should have told me sooner kitten." He reaches up and ruffles my hair with a smirk, making me huff out. Glaring at him playfully. "We can sleep in the same bed until the dorms are done.. I'm going to the teachers dorm with the cats, while you're going to the students." He says with clear disappointment in his voice.

"Oh, okay. Can I come over and see my babies?" That makes it slightly easier to pack my things up.

"Anytime kitten." He smiles to me with excitement, loving that I call the cats her babies.. they're their children in his mind..

- Two Days Later -

"I wanna fuck you like an animal.." I purr breathily into my mic. "I wanna feel you from the inside.. I wanna fuck you like an animal!! My whole existence is flawed.. You bring me closer to God!" I sing into my microphone, finishing up the lyrics of the first song I'm going to publish here. "Okay.. lyrics done.. Now for the instrumentals.." Looking down to my watch, I click the buttons and adjust till it's on Grey Matter's silhouette. Pushing down the dial I transform with a flash. Having used the aliens enhanced intelligence to master multiple instruments in the span of an afternoon. And make a solid plan on how to compose and produce songs.

Glitch - Boku No Afterlife. Yandere Isekai FanficWhere stories live. Discover now