For Jane Austen

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I have not the pleasure of understanding you
underestimate you however I do not do
Such fickle and undignified would be your imagination of me
is a vision I could never have seen.

It is thus perhaps correctly perceived,
that it is our vanity that gets us deceived.
Yet your faults can not be excused
for my faithfulness you have misused.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing standards decent
they have also been the reason for my happiness luminant.
yes your presence to me is pleasant,
but you have no authority to treat me like a peasants.

(my love)
I realize my actions  have been akin to that of a fool
and my idiocy has turned this moment rueful
 still,  You must allow me to tell you, 
 how ardently I admire and love you. 
A tribute to Jane Austen and her work expressed proficiently in Pride and Prejudice, with 
my a touch of my own experiences.
Here is the link to Jane Austen's work
This is an ode to Jane Austen because I have used her quotes in the stanzas this is also why the language is more elaborative and intricate.



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---peace out----

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