Chapter 3

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Mingyu yelped, making Wonwoo jump and almost drop his cup of coffee. The pounding in his head intensified.

"What now?" he asked, settling back down onto the breakfast bar stool.

"Spooner's just offered me a job."

Wonwoo balked. "Bullshit."

"I swear. He just texted me." Mingyu trusted the phone to Wonwoo.

"'Mingyu, I might've mentioned last night that my secretary quit. I know it's not finance analysis, but I could offer you competitive pay and great benefits. I need someone with taste. What do you say?'" Wonwoo read out. "Jesus Christ."

"I mean, what do I do?" Mingyu said, dropping the phone.

"You take it? Obviously." Wonwoo stirred his coffee trying to appear unbothered. Mingyu always got the lucky breaks. It was total bullshit.

Mingyu groaned, putting his head in his hands. Wonwoo watched him carefully for a few moments. Since waking up, and being hit with the reminder of the rush of images that seemed to fill his mind recently, he couldn't help but look at Mingyu. Whether it was to confirm or deny the attraction, he couldn't be sure, but watching him try to pass up a breakthrough in the mission was certainly not endearing Mingyu to him. He slurped his coffee loudly.

"Fine," Mingyu said, eventually. "I'll text him back now."

"Good man," Wonwoo nodded, getting up and pouring himself another cup of coffee.

"What are you doing today while I literally spend all day with our target as his fucking PA?"

"Managed to snatch a picture of their post when I nipped to the loo yesterday. I'm planning to go over it and see if I can make any links."

"Your day is so piss easy," Mingyu groaned. "I don't even know how to be a finance analyst."

"You'll muddle through," Wonwoo echoed Mingyu's words back to him with a smirk. He refilled Mingyu's mug without even thinking about it but caught himself right as he finished pouring it. How horribly domestic they'd become in such a short space of time. "You'll be fine," he said. "Like you said, you were the best at everything during Basic."

"Ha - fucking - ha," Mingyu said sardonically.

"You're going to be late," Wonwoo said, pointing to the clock.

"Thanks, babe," Mingyu said, draining the coffee in one. Wonwoo rolled his eyes at him but didn't say anything. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll figure out something to cook for dinner. Any preferences?"

"Just order a pizza or something," Mingyu said, putting his tie on. Wonwoo felt his mouth dry out as he watched Mingyu's big thick fingers tie a knot in the fabric. Mingyu raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"I - uh," Wonwoo caught himself. Dinner plans. "I can't believe you just want to order a pizza."

"I mean what do you want, a fucking three-course meal at The Savoy?" Mingyu grabbed his navy blazer, slipping it on over the top of his button-up. He stared down at it for a second before he rolled the blazer sleeves up. Wonwoo's brain short-circuited, thinking briefly back to the drunken conversation last night. Mingyu had called himself daddy. He felt his pulse quicken as he looked at Mingyu's forearms. He cleared his throat, trying to remember how to speak.

"No - uh. I mean like, I would cook us something? Like a stir fry."

"Oh," Mingyu stared at him for a moment. "Yeah, that would be great."

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