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Rooh is a 24 year old event manager, currently living in Varanasi, in a rented apartment.

Although Rooh's family lives in Lucknow, but due to college she had to shift to Varanasi.

Growing up, she lived in a very chaotic joint family.

Her days at her home were filled with constant fights and arguments between her family members after her Dada ji expired.

He was her safe place and also the head of the household who stopped those arguments.

After him gone, she became fed up of her family and her parents not understanding her, and left for Varanasi for college and job.

Rooh has had total of one relationship in her life.

Rooh is a normal girl living a normal life. But yet, growing through all of these challenges she had a quite attractive personality.

Not only she is strong, independent and confident, but also kind, humble and caring. She knew when it was time to put up her boundaries with someone and put her guards down when someone needed her.

She has a chubby face with dimples forming on both sides of her cheeks as she smiles. Her doe eyes and long lashes make her more baby like in appearance. Dark black curls of her hair highlight the mole above her firm lips when left open.

For six and a half years she has been away from her family, meeting them only once a year.

When she decides to move back permanently to her family in Lucknow, she is totally unaware of the fact that a fraction of her past is waiting for her to come back and ignite it once again.

Read the story ahead to know how her life takes a turn. Will she allow her past to have an influence on her again?

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