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Once upon a time there were a couple who were having a cute little baby girl. The baby girl's name was Sofia. Her mother was a vampire and her father was a demon. When Sofia bon her skin tone was white as snow and her eyes were dark red like blood. She had super powers like element power, psychic powers vampire powers and demonic powers and immortality. She had black wings like a demon and red eyes like a vampire. Creature like Sofia is called night shades. Her mother made a locket with her blood and Sofía's dad's wings feather. That locket can control sofia's powers until she turns 10 years. On her 10th birthday her mother and father should go to New York to make a new locket for her. on 10th birthday her powers will be so strong that she can't control it. The time passes and Sofia is now 9 years old on her 9th birthday her father taught her how to control her demonic power and her mother taught her how to control vampire powers. But they don't know how to control her elements and psychic powers.
The time pasted and her psychic powers and elements powers were going out of control. Whenever she gets angry and touches anything, the think catch fire when she will be happy the whether will be very cool and there will be snowfall. She can even control waters that she can breathe underwater. Sofia's parents stop her to go out. Sofia felt all alone so Sofia's parents adopted a baby girl name Farah. Farah and Sofia became very close they used to play together. When Sofia's 10th birthday was 2 months away. Her parents went to New York to make the locket, thinking that Sofia will manage everything. Sofia and Farah was all alone at home. After few days Sofia went to a shop to bring the glossary but in the middle of the way she got kidnapped the kidnapper was wearing a mask. The Mask man kept her in the dark room. The Mask man asked Sofia when her parents will arrive. Sofia refused to tell. The kidnapper got angry and gave an injection, but the injection didn't effect. Sofia shouted at him "why did you kidnapped me". The kidnapper said"you still didn't understand, I gave you the injection of poison but you didn't die. You have no idea how powerful you are but this power should be in right hands not such a fool like you". Sofia shouted again"A fool is saying to me fool". The kidnapper laughed a bit and said"Wow what an attitude,I like it,are you sure that you're not going to tell, when your parents will arrive".Sofia said no angrily. The kidnapper brought Farah and kept her on the gunpoint and asked again" Are you sure or not going to tellz when your parents will arrive". Sofia said angrily "You want my powers right then just leave my sister alone". The kidnappers shouted" JUST say when your parents will arrive".Unwanted Sofia told hem that her parents will arrive at 17th November night. Kidnappers said"Hmm good". Sofia said"whatever you want to do, do with me, let Farah go". Kidnapper said Farah to leave. Till 17th November the kidnapper tortured Sofia. Finally the day came. At night the kidnapper took Sofia at airport. Sofia's parents arrived and saw Sofia covered with blood, they were shocked. Sofia's parents ran near Sofia to save her.But they stopped in the way. They were shocked when the kidnapper removed his marks his eyes were dark red and blood was flowing from his mouth, when they saw around, all the bodyguards were dead. Sofia's father asks him to leave their daughter. The kidnapper laughed and said"Are you kidding me, she is the key to the powers, when I will kill her, I'll get her power. Sofia's father said" You can't kill my little demon, she is immortal". The kidnapper had a silver gun and a bullet which could kill any demon and vampire but he didn't know that, the bullet will not effect to Sofia. Kidnapper tried to shoot Sofia but her parents came in middle and they got shooted.
They were covered in blood. Sofia was so shocked and couldn't even move her body. She can only see her mom and dad covered in blood when she turned back,the man disappeared.Sofia's mom called her and gave her that leaf locket and said" Don't take of this till you will master your power and take care of your sister. Sofia's father said" don't cry my little demon mom dad loves you so much". Sofia immediately called ambulance and went to hospital. She was totally shocked when she can read everyone's mind present in the hospital. She ignored and went near reception and called Farah to the hospital.When Farah arrived at hospital she started crying. Farah shouted "I want mom and dad, please tell them to come back I can't live without them". Sofia said calmly"it's okay Farah,mom dad will be alright".The doctor came and said" Sorry we can't do anything they are no more" Sofia and farah were shocked, farah started crying again. The heart broken Sofia said calmly "It's okay Farah, everyone must die one day, this is destiny, we can't change it". Farah gave a shocking look to Sofia and shouted at her "how can you say something like that,they were our parents ,you are so mean. You don't know how it feels, you will never die, this is why, you are saying like that. Actually you know what because of you mom dad died. Because of you, you are the main reason for our parents death.After listening to Faraz words Sofia was totally broken. Sofia left to the hospital without saying anything and directly went near the old friend where she she went with her parents when she was 7 years old. Mean while Farah packed her bad to go to England to complete her studies, she left a letter for Sofia. Sofia was standing near the ocean and shouting" Why did this happen to me, why you both left me alone.whoever killed you, I will not let him live, now the reason of my life is to kill that person".She sat there and recalling the sweet memories with her parents. After few hours when she was going to her home she not is something weird with her she saw that black wings are growing from her back and her eyes converted into dark red. She was feeling very strong. She was little confused that what happening with her she tried to run for her speed was like 100 km per second. She was running towards the forest and suddenly she couldn't feel the ground below her feet, she was flying.she got so scared but also She was enjoying the fresh suddenly she fell.She tried again to fly and she succeeded.She thought for a while "What is the use of this powers,when I can't save my own parents".She went back home.She noticed that Farah is not at home,she can feel everyone's presence and she can't presence farah at home. She immediately went to Farah's room but the room was empty.Sofia saw a letter on the table,she opened it. Litter.
Dear di.
I am going to England to complete my studies.I hope you'll not interfere in my life.This is my request to you to not follow me.
After reading this letter Sofia felt very sad.She went out of house and went for ride on cycle,while doing cycling also she was blaming her power and herself for everything. Suddenly she went blank she saw a car is coming near her and in other minute she was unconscious. Few people took her to the hospital. The doctor said "Her condition is very critical". Doctor took her into operation theater. There was no nurse available in the hospital because it was midnight. Dr wants an injection so he went out of the operation theatre to bring it. When he came back he was shocked to see that all the engineering of Sophia was healed. Sofia opened her eyes and went out of the operation theatre. The doctor was totally shocked. Sofia went home and slept.
The time passed.Sofia is now 20 years old and she joined an MBBS college.She never talks to anyone, she will be in her own world. Some student think that she is having some metal problem and make fun of her. But Sofia never gave them back answers.She only concentrate on her studies.One day Sofia was sitting in canteen,few students entered into canteen.Sofia was looking at them but suddenly one girl came near Sofia and asked her"Can I sit here".Sofia just shakes her head. The girl sat near Sofia, and said "hi myself Emma, nice to meet you". That's sofia didn't replied anything. Sofia asked emma the student who entered the canteen was new students. Emma said "you are new to this college so you don't know who they are. They are Shaikh,You can see the girl with blond hair she is BELLA SHAIKH.She is an older sister,the boy with brown hair is JACOB SHAIKH.The boy with green eyes is BEN SHAIKH.The love of every girl,the cutest,the funniest one an only AYAN SHAIKH.You know Ayan is very different from his siblings.Sofia was staring at emma like she is going to eat her.Emma asked Sofia"Why are you staring at me ".Sofia replied in a soft voice "I just asked you,are they new over here and you gave me the full information about them".Emma felled embarrassed.When Sofia saw Ayan,she was totally confused because she is not able to read his mind. Sofia got very frustrated. When she tried to read others mind she can able to read it. She noticed that the presence of them was like the presence of the man who killed her parents. She immediately understood that they were vampires. But still she can read other vampires mind but can't read ayan's mind. She ignored it and went to biology class. She saw that her seat is beside Ayan. She went and sat on her seat, the class started Ayan's presence was irritating Sofia,she was feeling very uncomfortable sitting beside him, she still can't understand why can't she read his mind. She was just trying to avoid and focus on the class. After few minutes when she saw this side the dark blue eyes was staring her. She ignored it again. After the class she immediately took her belongings and went out of the class. After college Sophia went top of the mountain by her supernatural speed. She sat at the top of the mountain while she was thinking about her parents, she suddenly feels presence of someone. She turned back and saw. there was no one but suddenly from back Bella attacked her. Sofia dodged it."



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