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When leora and melliva heard what jimin said their blood boiled with extreme level of rage. Their jaws are clenching so hard and nostrils are flaring.

"I will not leave him, wait I will kill that bastard right now. He have to pay for this for sure" melliva growled angrily. Jimin abruptly stood up and wiped his tears before looking at melliva.

"What will you do huh? You don't need to do anything?. When you decided to marry me to that bastard you should have known his true identity and should have proceeded further. If you had once tried to know about him in depth and stopped the marriage this wouldn't have happened or when I said I want divorce if you have applied for it, by now I would have got divorced and this wouldn't have happened. After doing everything blindly at last mourning about it will bring back nothing. This is my life I will take care of it and you don't need to involve in this anymore" jimin said slicing melliva's heart into pieces. She couldn't bear when jimin said her not to involve as if she is some stranger to him. Now leora couldn't stand jimin's behaviour, she stood up from the couch and looked at jimin.

"Enough jimin!!! Why are you behaving like this? You are talking as if we done that intentionally. Just like you we too got fooled and betrayed right? But you are talking as if we ruined your life purposely. Yes we accept that we did a great mistake by marrying you to him and ruined your life but we are very very sorry for that. Do you know how much pain she is undergoing just by thinking of your life and how depressed she is. I know nothing can pay back your loss but accusing her for everything and each and every time mentioning it, it is not at all nice. She is your mother right? Will a mother think harm to her own child huh? Did you forget how she raised us in this cruel world without our father and at the same look after the company too. Do you think it's easy for a single omega. How can you speak like that Jimin? Okay you are talking this much right? But when we said you're going to marry Jungkook, if you had revealed about his true character on that day even we wouldn't have married you to him? When time came you kept quite and now blaming us alone is not right jimin" leora said. Jimin was speechless at that, yes she is right. It is his fault that he didn't tell about Jungkook before the marriage even. So without talking further jimin grabbed his luggage and started to march out.

"Now where are you going?" Leora asked, jimin stopped in his track and looked down.

"I rented an apartment. I'm going there to stay" omega said.

"What!! When you have your own big ass mansion what is the need of staying in the apartment" 

"Many doesn't like my stay here, I don't want to stay in someone else's mansion who didn't like my stay at all so I'm leaving" jimin said. Now melliva couldn't take it anymore and broke down into tears

"P-please jimin, please don't talk like this. I can't bear it anymore I will die if you continue to be like this. I apologise for everything. Please forgive me Minnie I'm extremely sorry. For killing me slowly like this, you better stab me right now and finish it off everything. I know I failed as mother, I'm a bad mother for you guys. Please jimin don't kill me like this I can't bear it anymore. Please forgive me I Beg you." Melliva cried out, jimin ran and hugged her tightly and cried with her.

"I'm t-too s-sorry mom, please forgive me for behaving like this to you. I'm really sorry" he said sniffing in her shoulder.

"Don't be Minnie. It's completely alright. If not you and leora then who will act like this to me huh? Please don't cry. But please don't treat like this ever because I can't bear it. It is too unbearable minnie" She rubbed his back gently.

"I love you mom. I'm sorry" he said while still hugging her.

"I love you too my chirpy bird." She said softly and jimin closed his eyes feeling so safe in his mother's embrace. Leora has a sweet smile in her face while looking heartily at the son and mother duo.

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