Part 1
Morning rolled around, and just before the sun managed to break the gray clouds, Vernon Marino sprung right into his morning routine. A light workout, suit preparation, remaking his bed, a shower, and finally, drying off at the breakfast table while eating a meal, Vernon was pleased with himself. (Ahead of schedule!) He thought, checking his calendar. (If I remember's Marisa's birthday. I'll make sure to have a card sent to her. Best to stay friendly with HR, after all.) Finished with eating, he cast a cloud of telekinesis over the plate and utensils, then floated them off to the sink. An attempt to shut off his radio, however, resulted in fumbling that accomplished nothing. (Not too dexterous...)
Vernon sat on his couch, comfortably watching the hands of his recently purchased grandfather clock tick by. Grinning, he ringed a friend. "Hello...?" The raspy voice of a man, yanked from his sleep, crackled through the phone. "Vernon...dude, you don't need to call me every day."
"I know that. Just making sure you're not moping around. You've been out of work for a month now, Rob."
"...Give me a break, will you? Getting laid off is a bummer, man. Not everyone can bounce back from everything like you."
"Hey now, if I can do something, everyone can. I'm just as normal as the next guy!" The irony wasn't lost on Vernon, as he levitated his dress pants and shirt down onto the couch beside him. "I'm actually getting ready to head into town. You and the lady driving by Trenton any time soon?"
"Nah. I probably should look for a job before traveling anywhere. Why? Did you want to meet up? I would like to see this new girl you're screwing around with."
"It's not..." Vernon paused, assessing their relationship. Still unsure of what to designate it as, he continued. "...just screwing around."
"That's a first."
"You make me sound really bad."
"What's up? Is she special?"
"...Don't know. Haven't known a lady like Raquel before. This isn't about me though."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same old shit. Do you just call all your friends from high school and pester them, or is it only me?"
"You're my best friend, so I have an obligation to annoy you. Anyway, we'll talk later. I've got work in an hour or so. Put in a job application, you lazy bum!" Vernon hung up and resumed prepping for work. After a meticulous skin care regimen, and slicking back his dark hair, he returned to sending out messages. [Hey, training tonight at 8! No ghosting this time!] The text was sent out to the survivors' group chat. He didn't expect any responses immediately, though followed up with a certain member personally. [Amala, you can't keep missing work. I know things are hard, but you're going to get reprimanded soon.]
[I'll be there today.] Flat and without ceremony, Amala Singh's response was swift.
[OK! We have a meeting at 9:30. Make sure to be ready.]
[I'll send over the notes!]
"..." Recalibrating to a conversation with the direct and cautious Amala would take time. Electing to worry later, the busy man slipped into his suit and left home. After taking a seat and hitting the car's ignition, a want for a more pleasant interaction overtook him. He could feel his heart flutter just by hearing her yawn. "Morning! Didn't wake you, did I?" Vernon phoned Raquel Childs.
"...Kind of...sorry Vernon, I'm not feeling great. Call me back later." She hung up.
"..." That ill-fated day began on a sour note. "...*sigh*..." Vernon hoped it wouldn't end on one.

FantasiaAfter a life altering incident, a small group of individuals awaken to strange powers, and with those powers change both their standings in life and the world itself as their realities and minds unravel.