047. i'm not bad, i'm not good

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—seven :i'm not bad, i'm not goodi drank every sky that i couldmade myself mythical, tried to be real

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—seven :
i'm not bad, i'm not good
i drank every sky that i could
made myself mythical, tried to be real


Widely known fact: Harry Potter was sh—t at Occlumency.

Standing once more in Snape's office for his mind magic lessons, having his mind plundered and memories ripped free, he knew he was totally useless at this.

Harry clung desperately to a tree branch to avoid Ripper barking at him from the ground while the Dursley's laughed at him, standing in the driveway. Harry sat under the Sorting Hat, pleading not to go into Slytherin. Harry stood over Sirius, his Patronus warding off hundreds of Dementors swarming overhead. Harry cupped Lili's face in his hands and leant in for a kiss


Harry gasped when he came back to reality, realising a bright white spell was firing from the tip of his wand. Snape barely managed to dodge it in time, side—stepping to watch it strike a jar of slimy potions ingredients. Glass shattered in every direction, and whatever was inside landed on the ground with a wet plop. Disgusting.

Still panting for breath, Harry pitched forward with his hands on his knees, "God, that hurt."

Humming casually, Snape merely raised a brow at the boy, "Well, you stopped me eventually. Ideally, you should repel me with your mind."

"No sh—t," he grumbled, grunting when he straightened to his full height.

"Language, Mister Potter." The professor tutted and once more raised his ebony wand, "Now, let's try again. Legilimens!"

Uncle Vernon manically nailed the letterbox closed. The whole school believed he was the Heir of Slytherin. Umbridge smiled cruelly at him with a cup of sweet tea in her hand. Lili showed him her Dark Mark. Malfoy mocked him for his scar and his dead parents and everything about him. Uncle Vernon had him by an unrelenting grip in his hair, shouting he better make himself invisible "or else"—

Snape pulled back suddenly, brow furrowed low, "What did your uncle mean?"

Panting, Harry flushed red and snapped, "Nothing! Come on, let's go again."

Snape hesitated, face looking more than usual, wand lowering just slightly.

"Go on! Do it!"

So. Snape did.

He opened a Christmas present from his relatives — a single tissue. Voldemort's cold voice when he hissed, "Kill the spare." Lili grew a flower in the palm of her hand in Cokeworth. Harry played with his toy soldiers in his cupboard. Petunia lifted a frying pan sizzling with grease—

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