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"We should come up with game plans for the Sports Festival." Izuku says the next day at lunch, looking up from his notebook filled with plans and semi-blueprints.

Toshi had said Goldie would visit after school again so Izuku and MeiMei had enough time to come up with support gear for the blonde. Maybe something to direct the lightning seeing as how Toshi said Goldie can't do that very well. They'd have to ask Goldie himself.

"Why?" Toshi, sweet naive Toshi, asks.

"Because it'll help MeiMei and I get our names out there and you need to at least get to the later half of the final round." Izuku says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. And maybe to the 2 inventors it is, but to a Hero Course student, it's not. Especially not to Toshi, who is planning on going into the Underground side of Heroics because he doesn't want his name out there. Nor does he want his quirk to be known.

"Ok, but we all know that I can't have my name out there if I'm going underground." Toshi says.

"Yes, so MeiMei and I will help you get to the final round without showing your quirk and keeping you out of the spotlight." Izuku says, holding up a finger.

"You'll be like our shadow!" MeiMei adds.

Toshi still looks hesitant, but he agrees to make a plan nonetheless. He might as well go along with whatever crazy scheme the two crazy inventors make then be pulled into it without knowing anything later on.

Hitoshi is glad he agreed to at least listen to what the two inventors had in mind because after hearing their plans for each round (how Izuku knows what each round entails, Hitoshi's not sure, and he doesn't think he'll ever know) he's more than happy to keep them from accidentally killing or maiming someone (specifically Bakugou in Mei's eyes because there are still things Hitoshi doesn't know about Izuku that Mei does, but he's ok with that because he'll learn when Izuku's ready to tell him).

Currently, Hitoshi, Mei, and Izuku are all practicing how they're going to simultaneously hide Hitoshi from the spotlight and how Izuku and Mei are going to get their names out there as inventors.

The plans for the second round have room for one more person should they need it, and Izuku's pretty sure they might, so they keep that in mind when they practice different formations. If that's what you could even call them. Really, Hitoshi is just staring at the written out plans, trying to wrap his head around them as Izuku and Mei discuss what types of things to make for this event that's flashy, but not overly so.

It's quite peaceful if Hitoshi's being honest, until the gym doors slam open (because that's where they are while they wait for Aizawa-Sensei and Yamada-Sensei to be finished with what they usually do after school so they can go back to the apartment and plan some more) and there stands Kaminari in all his loud blonde self. Not glory because Hitoshi doesn't think Kaminari has any of that, so he rolls his eyes at the blonde's antics and watches as his gold eyes search the room for something or someone.

Izuku and Mei don't notice the sound of the doors banging open. At least not that Hitoshi knows because they could have heard it, but just ignored it because they're always in the labs and you can't flinch at every loud sound or explosion unless you want to ruin your own project.

"Zuku, Mei." Hitoshi calls from where he's sitting on the floor.

Both inventors look up from their notebook filled to the brim with plans at the call of their names. The curious look in their eyes makes Hitoshi think they look a lot like kittens seeing the world for the first time.

"Kaminari's here. Think he's looking for you." Because Hitoshi is in no way going to make Kaminari's pinning any easier. It's all about the fun of seeing someone try to catch Izuku's attention after all.

"Kaminari?" Both Izuku and Mei mouth, the tilts of their heads clearly indicating they don't know Kaminari's name.

"Goldie." Hitoshi clarifies. At that both of their expressions light up in recognition and presumably at the thought of making more things for someone. Hitoshi doesn't think they're going to remember Kaminari's name anytime soon.

"Whatcha need Goldie?" Izuku is the first up from his seated position and in Kaminari's face, clearly not one to care for personal space.

"Uh..." The blonde says, oh so elegantly.

"He needs babies ZuZu!" Mei helps. Well it's not quite helping when she gets in Kaminari's face as well, but who is Hitoshi to stop them? It's fun seeing the blonde so flustered. Whether it's from Izuku being in his face or just from the onslaught of questions coming out of both Mei and Izuku, Hitoshi doesn't know. But he does have an idea. No he will not share the idea because he feels it's pretty obvious.

Shouta has a feeling there's something going on with his Problem Child. There's also something going on with a certain blonde of his class regarding his Problem Child, but Shouta doesn't want to give any shovel talks to his students, so he skillfully ignores it.

He can't, however, ignore it when he walks into the gym, 2 hours after school has ended to pick up his kid and his kid's friends and sees the blonde that Shouta does not want to give a shovel talk to. Kaminari is clearly flustered at Izuku's proximity, and knowing how oblivious Izuku can be when it comes to anything that's not vigilantism or inventing, Izuku doesn't think anything of the blush rising in Kaminari's cheeks.

So instead, he calls out to the 3 teens he's meant to take to the apartment, pulling away the attention off of Kaminari.

"Aizawa!" Izuku calls, excitement clear in his tone. Shouta doesn't smile into his capture weapon. He doesn't and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

"Let's go kids." Shouta simply says, turning around and walking back out of the gym. He hears the rustling of papers going into bags and bags being thrown over shoulders as he walks away. Kaminari ends up following them out of the gym and when they split off Hatsume and Izuku both call out to them and Shinsou has a knowing smile on his face.

"Bye Goldie!" Hatsume and Izuku say at the same time.

"So Aizawa, are you going to give Kaminari the shovel talk?" Shinsou, the cheeky brat, asked.

"If you don't shut up I'm going to make you run the Hell Course tomorrow in class while everyone watches." Shouta threatens. Shinsou shuts up.

"Is Yamada going to be there or is he still stuck here doing work?" Izuku asks, bouncing up to walk beside Shouta.

"He's waiting at the car. Sent me to come get you three." Shouta says, glancing at Izuku before looking back at the path.

Hatsume and Izuku go back to whatever they were talking about as they continue to the employee parking garage and Shinsou just walks beside them.

"Aizawa's going to have to give Kaminari, sorry, Goldie, the shovel talk." Is what Shouta hears Shinsou whisper to Hatsume when Izuku's distracted by something.

With 2 teenagers saying it's going to happen, Shouta hopes to any deity out there that might be listening, that he doesn't actually have to end up giving one of his students a shovel talk because that means something he doesn't want to get into right now. Right now though, Shouta will push thoughts of future shovel talks away and focus on helping his kid heal first.

His kid's health is his first priority after all. Everything else be damned.

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