Episode 8: G is for Get over my knee. (Giana)

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Giana Fields was one of the newer teachers at St. Patrick's private school. She had only been working here for about two years now. She was the school's 5th grade teacher, it had taken a while for her to get used to teaching students. It was easier when she was just a teacher assistant back in the day, she had to learn how to be both firm and kind, stern and nice. Listen to everything that was around her, keep her eyes open to all things and most importantly have a personal relationship with all of her students. Her first year, if she was being honest she was the teacher that everyone took advantage of. Especially when it came to the punishments that were allowed at this school. For her first year she was known as the teacher that would not spank her students. It wasn't because she didn't want to but because she wanted to be the teacher everyone liked.

That had all changed on the very last day of school. As she could not get her class under control, a chorus of whining and cries as she wanted to have them take one last test before they went to join the other students outside for a day of fun. She remembered on that day her voice finally breaking, as she called out firmly and loudly. "Hannah Morgan's. Get over my knee!" She had probably said those words 25 times that day, as one by one, she brought her truly rowdy class up for a bit of tough love. By the end of that hour, her class was mostly silent except for some crying and whimpering, and from that day on things had changed. No student disrespected her anymore, she was known as the teacher that was not afraid to give a spanking, and as one that was willing to spank the entire class if she had too.

It was her official third year of teaching here. And she was in the middle of their early morning reading lesson. She found it a bit easier to teach in this order, reading first thing in the morning, both outloud and in silent time, followed by history and math, snack time was next before a bit of social studies. After lunch and research it was time for science and finally a bit more silent reading before the day was over. However, as she often found some kids had an issue with silent reading, more wanting to talk with classmates. Now she was not quick to spank, and gave everyone a fair shake of things, two warnings before those four dreaded words escaped her mouth.

"Manny," she announced looking up from her teacher's handbook. "Get over my knee," she said firmly, as a certain bright eyed and dark haired boy looked over at her. A bit surprised as if she could not hear him for the third time whispering over to his friend, Jacob who kept telling him to stop.

"What did you say, Mrs. Myers?" He asked nervously.

"You heard what I said young man," Giana responded as she pulled her chair out from behind her desk and sat down on top of it. "And I believe you know what happens if I have to say it again." The boy in question slowly rose to his feet, his hands stuffed into his short pockets as he walked up to her. He walked over to her right side, her dominant hand, and draped himself obediently over her lap. She helped the boy get himself in position over her lap, one hand coming to rest on his back, the other reaching back to take down his red shorts enough to expose his iron man briefs. "No talking please," she said to quiet down the slight whispers and few giggles that filled the air. "Or you can be next."

The silence that came from the room was quickly ended as she landed the first swat on his brief covered rear. Grateful that she was born with rather large hands for a woman, she didn't have to alternate cheeks for her naughty students. Instead was just able to cover the entire bottom with a steady steam of hard spanks. The first few never failed to catch one of her students off guard, those surprised yelps quickly turning into squirming and common cries of pain. Manny was one of her more troublesome students, he was a kind hearted boy but his mouth got him in more trouble as he just seemed to forget to stop talking so much in class. However, she found that a trip over her knee, for a warm rump was enough to get him to relax. To his credit he was a boy that rarely cried or whined that much over her lap. About two minutes later, she brought this spanking to a close as she helped him up to his feet. Like most of her students he was quick to replace his shorts, not wanting his undies to be on display longer than they had too.

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