Chapter 10

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The walk back to the hotel was refreshing. It was exciting knowing that you were officially a model at one of the biggest companies in hell... if not the biggest.

It was weird how you felt no fear while being there.

Vox tried to kidnap you and Valentino owns Angels soul....

Even though it was probably smart to not get involved with them, you were about to do anything and everything to spend as little time with Alastor as possible.

Finally as you were nearing the hotel and raised your hand to open the door it slapped open as a cheerful... singing Charlie ran out.

You looked at her confused as she made her way down to the city saying something about.. a happy day in hell.

Angel Dust stood next to you.

"That bitch is halfway down the street." He told Vaggie.

"Is she..." you could hear Vaggies disappointed voice from the other side of the door.

"She's dancing." He answered.

"Is this normal? That can't be normal, right?" You looked down at the dancing Charlie down the street.

"My dear! You've got much to learn! Worry not, you have the best guide there is." Alastor put his hands on your shoulders.

You just sighed, there was no use trying to push this man away, so maybe ignoring will help...

"So... did you get the job?" Angel whisper-shouted to you so your husband couldn't hear.

The frown on your face quickly changed into excitement, and just as you were about to answer him-
"what job?" Alastors grip on your shoulders tightened.

"Yes, I did! Turns out they were pretty sweet!" You ignored Alastors question.

"That's great (Y/N)! I told you you could do it!" Angel grabbed your hands and thankfully dragged you away to the bar. "This calls for a celebration,

Alastor quickly put two and two together.
"You're working for the VVVs?" His voice laced with anger.

You tried to ignore it, but now you felt a threatening aura behind you, and from the way Angel Dust looked at you, you could tell he felt it too.

You shrugged at him, seriously not knowing what to do.

Why was Alastor so angry in the first place?

"My dear, I don't like it when you ignore me, please answer my question." He once again put his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them lightly.

Now Husk, who was pouring you a drink shared glances with you.

"I... got a job to model for Velvette..." you looked down at the table, feeling ashamed that you couldn't even succeed in ignoring him.

"A model! Now that suits you well, but please do elaborate, why the sudden urge to get a job?"
His voice deepened. Now you were getting afraid.

You're in hell already! There is absolutely nothing to be worried about, even if he kills you again!

You gulped and tried to match words in your head to form normal sentences.

Thankfully Angel Dust noticed your lack of words and came to your rescue. "(Y/N) wanted to help with the funds, even though the hotel doesn't need them too much right now, uhh, she still feels indebted to Charlie, so she was looking for a job t-"

"I think (Y/N) has a mouth of her own."

Now you were side-eyeing a scared Angel Dust.

Alastors voice got really intimidating, his hands squeezing the living shit out of your shoulders.
"Ouch.." you silently cursed. You almost felt your hands detaching from how hard he was squeezing.

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As soon as the little curse left your mouth the grip on your shoulders disappeared.

You looked back at Alastor who was also staring at you perplexed.

He looked guilty...

At that moment all you could see was your.. Husband. Not some guy that murdered you 50 years ago.

The look on his face.

He finally looked human.

You quickly snapped out of it when you heard a glass being slammed on the table.

Don't get distracted (Y/N). He killed you for fucks sake.

As you turned back you realised you were saved by Husks drink, ready for you.

You could hear Alastor walk away from behind you.
To be fair, you felt a tad guilty inside but you knew that you weren't in the wrong.

He can't just pretend that nothing happened, you just weren't having it.

"Damn, you got it rough kid.. I poured you somethin' strong just in case." Husk said as he poured another drink for Angel.

"I'm older than you, who are you calling a 'kid'?"
You giggled taking a sip from the glass... and then spitting it all out. "God! What is this monstrosity???" You almost puked on the spot.

Husk and Angel laughed at your reaction together.

"I guess you lost your drinking appetite." Husk calmed down.

"I could never drink something like this." You frowned down at your glass and pushed it over to Angel who quickly chugged the whole thing down.

"That's some good stuff! Give me more of this.. whatever this is!" Angel shook the empty glass in front of Husk, who clicked his tongue and took it, making another one of those drinks.

"This used to be (Y/N)s usual at the bar we used to hang out at." Husk elaborated.

Angel gasped looking between you both.

"Wait! You guys have history aswell? (Y/N), I thought that before the hotel you were a social reject!" Angel Dust basically screamed at you. You only laughed.

"Me and Husk met about a decade ago. He used to gamble at this small jazz bar I used to go to. Once, when they were short on singers, I performed a song and he came to compliment me." You smiled at the memory.

Husk was one of the first people you met in hell. Even though you've been here for an incredibly long time, you didn't have many friends due to your fright of murderers and stuff.

You saw Husk smile at your story telling.
"Now she sang good, I tell ya. However, I got a question for you (Y/N). What's going on between you and that piece of dog shit?"

You thought for a moment before answering. "If I tell you.. will you tell me where you've been these past few years?" You smirked at him.

"You've got yourself a deal."

You sighed and began with your story.

"Me and Alastor were married for almost 20 years, and, well, the whole time I had no idea that he was a murderer... but one day I accidentally found out and he killed me for it. So now I don't really think I can face him, let alone act like nothing happened..." you finished.

"Man.. that is very much so Alastor."
Husk sighed, almost disappointed.

Angel Dust was just enjoying his drinks and getting all the juicy information you and Husk were sharing.

"Okay, Husk, your turn. I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been?" You grinned at him.

"Well... ironically, I made a deal with Alastor, because I wanted more power, fucking idiot I am. Also you speak about this to no-one." He threatened, angrily eyeing Angel Dust.

"You made a deal with him?? Husk.... " you looked at your old friend sympathetically.

On one hand your situations were very different...

On the other... you both were tied to Alastor, for different reasons of course. So you could understand how it feels, not being able to get rid of that guy.

As you three kept on talking about God knows what,
you started feeling extremely tired and called it a night. Walking up the stairs you could feel a little wobbly after a few strong drinks.

However you reached your room without dying! That counts for something.

You opened your door and you swear you whole vision started blurring and spinning.

You were literally about to puke but held it in.

Suddenly you felt someone grab both of your hands and push you against a wall.

"I'll.... Show you..... love you...." Was all you could hear. You were seeing red clothing in front of you, so even in your dizzy state of mind you could tell that that was Alastor.

Then you felt his lips on yours... and that triggered it.

You puked.

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