Origin of Hadithia - Part 7

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Ayao hadn't flown with this much speed in years. She would often lazily glide over the savannas surrounding the rainforest to keep an eye on her people, riding the winds current more than flying. But now she was flying with urgency, commanding the wind to push her forward. Her wide wings sliced through the wind ferociously, rising over her head like a canopy before pushing back in the shape of an arrow, cutting through the sky near the speed of sound.

Despite the chaotic feelings in her heart, soaring through the air in her true form felt invigorating. It was a straight path to her destination from securing Obatala and Hasani at the palace, so she would be able to arrive by dusk if she remained at her top speed the full flight. Most creatures in the sky would naturally draw away from a being as large as she, but they were pulled away by an even greater fear once they recognized her iridescent wings and size two times larger than any other sacred ibis. Even the treetops and clouds bowed out of her way.

Ayao always felt most at home in the skies she commanded as an Orisha, even if her heart lied far below with her mortal family. As her wings arced above her head, Ayao delighted in the sight of her feathers catching the sunlight, weaving a rainbow through the sky as she traveled. It is unfortunate I only embrace my true self when there is danger, she thought to herself. I will need to allow myself a flight, just for the enjoyment, when this is all over. However, even as she thought this, she felt uncertainty in her soul.

There was no time to dwell on this. Fighting back emotions and exhaustion from flying all day, Ayao pushed herself until she could finally see the mountains in the distance and hear the mighty roar of the waterrise. Her view was becoming inhibited by mist, so she slowed her speed and decreased her size to prevent from crashing into the mountains. Finally, the waterrise was before her; Ayao landed on the ledge just before it to catch her breath. The water moved so quickly it looked like the blur of a reflection on still water. Ayao knew she would need to work up to the speed of sound to make it through.

Scoping the safest angle to aim from, Ayao climbed high in the air above the mist and began flying laps to gain momentum. She must have flown over a hundred laps by the time the roar of the waterrise faded. She could feel her wings quivering from exhaustion...she would only have one shot to get the aim right. Ayao would dive blind through the mist, knowing being a few inches off could slam her headfirst into the mountain, breaking her beak if not worse.

There was no more time to waste. Ayao closed her eyes to help rely on her instincts over logical fear....and dove. In an instant, she swept through the cool mist and the sharp sting of the water current, pushing her through into a hidden crystal room. Once inside the room, Ayao's speed immediately dissipated without recoil, her body floating weightlessly to the ground as if being gently lowered by a large bubble. Once her claws touched the crystal floor, her body transformed into her human form draped in silver silk, her long hair woven along her back in a tangle of braids.

She still felt exhaustion weighing her down, but Ayao could feel that any injuries she incurred on her journey were healed. Ayao knelt down as a sign of respect...and waited. It wasn't long though until she could sense the spiritual bodies of her fellow Orisha gathering among her, just beyond the veil separating their two realities. There was no tangible noise, but after a moment she could sense a command in her mind. Speak.

Ayao was exhausted, but she stood tall and proud with a fierce look of determination and spoke on the recent events. The Orisha beyond the veil tried to remain ignorant of the daily goings on of the Hadithians to allow them free will, even if the consequences of this free will were often dire. Even more so, the Orisha rarely actually intervened in their lives, only stepping in if a conflict threatened the very balance of Hadithia.

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