Shoutout to: @LiaDirectioner and her story 'being beautiful' it's awesome ;)
"He-HEY! Ladies! LADIES!!!" Tyler's loud voice yelled over the others, trying to sound over the giggling and fangirling Directioner.
All heads turned to the brown haired girl, staring at her in disbelieve, everyone was quite. Riley pointed over to the tall boy who was standing in the middle of the private jet, waiting for the others to calm down.
"Thanks Riley." plump lips curled up into a sweet smile as the black haired boy shot the brownish eyed girl a wink. "As we all just heard - we will talk to the lads; YEIII!" the girls burst out in laughter as he flourished his arms over his head, mocking his fellow finalists. "But everything may be planned - we have to form groups, and I suggest you to firstly form five groups. Group Nialler goes there, the Hazza group sits down here, who ever is fallen for Mr.Payne may sit down over there, Zaynie-girls will sit down right here and all future Mrs. Tomlinsons go over there. Thank you." Tyler took the lead over the 29 girls, pointing to the places the should go to. "Right, I'm gonna count through, number one will be a group, all number two will form a group and so on, alright? Great!" he walked through the groups, dividing them up again.
Once done, there were six groups of girls, waiting to be called to the front of the plane.
"Oh mer gerd I am so excited!" Caroline said as she was sat in her group, forming a circle with the other 4 girls.
It got loud again, the girls couldn't hold it. But they all turned quite when there was a loud noise coming from the speaker in the front of the lounge.
"The first group may come in." a female voice stated, the Directioners looking at each other in shock - Who was the first group?
"We are. C'mon girls!" Rahida stood up from her seat, heading to the entrance of the VIP-area, the other girls still paralysed by the information. "Meg, Saphire, Lisa, Lynn, you coming?" she turned around, her hand already on the doorknob.
"Girls, it was a pleasure to meet you." curly hair tickled Danielle's cheek as Harry embraced her in a tight hug.
"Believe me, the pleasure was ours!" Caroline exclaimed, not wanting to leave the cabin.
"I hope we see you soon..." Peyton said, blushing and looking to the floor as Zayn kept his gaze locked on her.
"I hope so too." Smooth hands cupped her chin, tilting it up to face the black haired boy.
"Alright! We've got something for you! It's a present, a special directioner watch. It plays all of our songs and shows you the video as soon as you plug headphones in!" Louis handed everyone a black box. "Put it on! Put it on!" he almost screamed in excitement, a big grin on his face.
"Okay okay!" Rosie chuckled, opening the box and placing the red watch around her wrist.
"It looks gorgeous on you!" Liam stated, hugging the tanned beauty.
"I'm afraid our time is over! Bye guys! See you later, alligator!" Niall said while the girls were shoved out by the security guards.
"I really like these girls! They are all so... Enthusiastic!" Zayn voiced, looking out of the window, enjoying the flight.
"I know... I can't believe what we will do to them..."
"What we have already done to them, Louis, what we already have done..." the curly haired guy sounded from the floor, eyes locked with the ceiling.

Go1Den Games
FanfictionPain. Exposure. Sacrifice. Thats what each of the 30 girls has to go through to get to their goal - being the girlfriend of one of the members of One Direction. They've been selected from all over the world to take part in the largest and most secre...