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∘₊✧Aranyo: She is the wholesome dessert, I want to taste the sweetness of her smile, her eyes, her scent, her soul. And want to devour her whole as dessert✧∘₊

Don't know if she is shy or not, but I never saw one eating their favourite food this much. I guess overall she takes 10 spoons of fried rice, and I can eat in two spoons. I never feel I am a foodie, but she is giving me the feeling.

Usually I don't make any comment on someone's eating style, but how messy her plate is, how little she is taking bites, it forces me to ask her, "Don't you like the food?"

She instantly shakes her head, "No no, food is tasty."
"Then why are you not eating? You didn't even touch the noodles yet, but you said you like it."

She smiles, "Yes, I love it, but I don't have more capacity to eat, I am already feeling full"

I frown, "What?? Are you kidding me, you literally eat nothing."

She drops her head with a shy smile, "No no, I eat this much, you know, I am pocket friendly."

I look at her face very closely, she isn't underweight or anything, not even looking like she can eat this little. Is she on a diet? But being healthy, eating is more important. As her parents are strict, maybe they don't allow her to go to the gym and make her eat less for diet. But what if I ask and it triggers her insecurity, so I shut my mouth for now. I guess asking for dessert can be a good option to observe her.

I nod slightly while tilting my head on the right side, "Umm hmm, I guess you can eat from my plate too, no need to serve another plate. I heard, people used to eat from one plate, we will start the same tradition, okay Ragini?"

She glares at me with a wide grin, and I love how her smile touches her eyes and makes her face bright sunshine, "Stop joking, don't you know it's bad manners to tease someone about their eating style."

I take a bigger sip with the straw from the mojito and gulp properly before speaking up, "Later you will like those."

She frowns and stops from gripping the staw, "What?"

I chuckle, "Nothing. By the way, you work in a publishing house, right? I guess you are a bookworm, right?"

She takes a tiny sip and as such she doesn't have to gulp, I guess tongue just absorbs the liquid, "Yeah, of course. Why?"

"What type of story do you prefer to read?"

She looks at my eyes, while gulping, "Why are you looking at me as if you knew some secret about me!"

A secret, yeah say so, a smirk automatically appears on my face, "Do you scared little mouse?" Her eyes suddenly widen like I pull out some bomb in front of her. I pick the straw from the glass and take a large sip directly from the glass while maintaining eye contact with her. Like a goldfish she opens her mouth two times and closes it, I guess she can't find any words to say.

I clear my throat so as not to make the air between us uncomfortable, " Do you think I only learned about the word dark romance, and didn't read it?"

Her eyes spark in curiosity, "But.... Did you read ! Oh my god! God save me!!"

I chuckle, seeing her sudden shocking excitement, "Calm down Ragini, calm down! I didn't read, I just follow up some and overall got the idea. I really didn't get time to read."

She bangs her tiny fist on the table, "But who suggests you read that book."

I frown, "What's the problem, anyway?"

She shakes her head in denial, "God!!! I don't want to traumatise you. You have to live a healthy life ahead, it's totally different from real life, that can't be implemented in real life.... Uhhhh... uff who the fuck suggested you to read that book"

Khatta-Mitha IshqWhere stories live. Discover now