Morning Rites And Mysteries

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>Snap< I jump up ¨What was that noise!?¨ I say, breathing heavily. ¨They must be having another campfire¨ groans ¨What time is it¨ clock reads 4:30 AM. 'Damn, it's early to be doing this' I get up. I hear some creepy music coming from the woods. ¨Who's playing that damn music at this time of night?¨ ¨I better go check it out.¨ As I walk into the woods the music gets louder and louder. ¨Ugh all I hear is that stupid music.¨ I walk a little closer. ¨AAAAHHHH¨ girly ahh scream ¨WILLOW?!?!¨  Willow Starts Speaking Latin. ¨Carissime satanas tuus exaudi orationem meam accipe oblationem meam tunc adiuva me!!!¨ ¨Willow?¨ I ask.  ¨AHHH BORYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE¨ Willow screamed, pretty irritated  ¨WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE¨ I said "NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS"Willow Shouted "well it's kinda my business because we are in the same camp, so explain. Why should I" willow said "because you should¨ looks around "and what is this place? It's just um, something you shouldn't, worry about. But why?"I said annoyingly "why do you keep asking questions" she said "because I do, now just explain what is happening here?" I said 'Thinks to self:'What was she doing here and what is this place?' "Hello? Borys!! Are you there? BORYS!!?"I realized when she shouted my name for the 6th time "Huh??! Oh, Shit Willow ah sorry I kind of zoned out sorry. Ugh fine whatever just...get out of here, please. Fine then¨ I said, I walked behind a tree pretending to leave - Willow spoke "Finally, now I can continue, Modo ut dicebam, satanas exaudi preces tuas et votum meum concede de reditu meo dabo tibi animas!" There starts to be crashing sounds, I peak around the tree and gasp - Willow spoke again "RISE ABOVE US AS THY DIE YOUR SACRIFICE IS NOW IN VAIN" >Steps< ¨huh? what was that" then I started to see a whole bunch of animals come out of the trees and they feasted on dead lambs body, One of the animals flings across a lambs head then it starts coming your way "Shit What do I do?!" I quickly climbed the tree in panic

- A work in process by the Third Goober

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