08. Will I Feel Heard?

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If I let everyone read my incoherent thoughts
Scribbled into my journals,
If I screamed loudly everytime my heart grew heavy
With agony and remorse,
If I shared my vulnerabilities
Without any fear of judgement,
If I expressed all my emotions
As and when I felt them,
Will I be understood?
Will I feel HEARD??!!


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To my teenage self, I know you didn't know how to express yourself, I know you struggled so much to understand your emotions, let alone feel them and express them in a healthy manner. I just wanna tell you that in a couple of years, you'll do good. You'll learn to articulate your feelings, understand yourself, and present your wants and needs in a comprehensive way. You were never a problem or a burden, you were just a TEENAGER.

To the teenagers relating to this poem, sometimes you don't wanna be heard, you'd rather wanna be held. Your struggles with yourself and the world aren't something new. You don't go through it alone. It's not even your fault. It's just that... You're a teenager, that's how teenage is. It's okay to feel like that, even though it feels shitty. Just don't bottle your feelings. Scream, fight, cry, argue... Or read, write, paint, cook and draw. Whatever you do, express your feelings. The world will be compelled to listen to you once you do so.

Sending love, take care <3

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