Secret map & intruders!

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Bolt and Roxie were in the dumpster alley of waffle World. And roxie was in the dumpster finding a map.

"You know, I hope you appreciate the risk I'm taking here. Every bone in my evil skinny dog body is telling me not to betray the trust of the Green Eyed Man. After all I'm his favourite pet." Roxie told bolt as he looked bored.

She jumped out the dumpster onto the concrete and moved the map away from bolts vision.

"Okay. This is a top, top secret map of the entire earth." She told him as she layed the map down flat on the concrete floor.

She pointed to the green lady.

"Now we're over here, by the green lady with the big torch, and my boss has your penny locked up-right-right over-here, here! By the waffle with the sunglasses. Now all you need to do is get from here to there. Well, I told you where to find her so if you'll just untie me, I'll be on my way. After all I gotta eat." She told him

"I'll release you, dog. When we find penny." Bolt said and her eyes widen

"What? Excuse me? That wasn't the deal. We had a deal dog." She told him

"You're deal just expired. Now come on we gotta keep moving before it gets dark." He said and started to walk and roxie  picked up her paws and started to punch them together like she was punching Bolt.

Bolt was dragging me along while I was on the ground trying to stop him but he was stronger than me.

"Hey! Will you stop! I didn't just perfect my fur for it to just get ruined by dirt! ah!" She yelled

"Hmm? Padlocked." He said then she looked at him confused as he was just stood still not moving.

Roxie tried pulling on the lead to escape him but it didn't work.

"Listen, Honey! I got some pretty sharp deadly claws under this fur. Do not, I beg of you,do not make me bring out these bad boys. It gets ugly. Once I killed a rabbit with just one claw! One! I tell you!" She said but he just stayed still not replying.

She started to walk infront of him.

"What are you doing?" She asked then went back once he spoke

"Stay back! If I stare at the lock really hard, it'll burst into flames and melt." He said and she looked at the padlocked what remained new.

"I don't see no flames." She said in a bored tone."now I'm concerned on a number of levels." She said

We both heard people and roxie heard Bolt gasped

"Intruders." He said and ran fast with roxie but instead she was dragged against the road.

"wait a minute! Slow down! YOU'RE SCRAPING THE FUR OFF MY BO-" she didn't get to finish her yelling as she was Knocked out by a post box.

Bolt looked back at her and saw her unconscious.

"Oh great. Now what." He said and walked up to her and examined her face.

'She looks familiar to me.' He thought

He shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of his head and concentrated on the van.

Bolt found and rolled a penny towards the guy who was sat on the sofa to distract him as he was gonna take himself and Roxie under the sofa to hide.

The couch was lifted up by the people as an unconscious Roxie and Bolt was hidden under it. Roxie almost fell sideways if it wasn't for Bolt who kept her steady.

The truck door closed so Bolt got Roxie and him out from under the sofa and he placed her on the sofa as he sat down next to her watching the door.

She stirred a little and groaned.

"Ow! Next time please give a warning whenever you're about to run off." Shes said

"I don't. You're not dead." He said in a strict voice.

"Thank you for caring so much." She said and got up and went to look in the boxes for something to knock bolt out for a while until she figures out how to untie herself and escape.

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