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    In a high-rise luxurious apartment building, at the    very top of the building inside the biggest apartment a young man sat infront of a expensive-looking laptop.

The young man was very attractive, with snow white skin; soft but sharp and fierce features that harmonized quite well; thin eyebrows that framed his enchanting pure blue eyes; longish white hair that fell right above his shoulders; silver pericings that shone in the light.

The young man's looks were comparable to a model's.

The young man watched the screen seriously, anyone would think he was doing very important work but if anyone looked at the screen it was....

A corny romance mafia novel.

The young man closed the laptop with a snap after a while and placed it at the side. His hand raises up toward his face as as he sighed into it.

"Why did I read that again? It was so... corny." He sighed in to his palm that had beeb covering his face.

His phone vibrated after a bit so he lowerwd his hands that were pressed into his face. He then stretched his hand as he quickly unlocked his phone.

it wad a message inviting him to a drinking party from his childhood friends.

If it had been any other day he would've but he needed something to get his mind from that novel.

It was a standard mafia novel.

The man meets the girl procceeds to falls in love with her at first sight then ends up kidnapping her 'out of love'. She almost dies and gets kidnapped by rivals and then he saves her they fall in love and have a family.

A standard happy ending.

Well besides her losing her sickly brother at the beginning which was his reason for starting the novel.

Apprently the little brother had the same name as him. Not to mention his character description looks similar to himself which he couldn't deny—intrested him.

He sent a quick reply and then tossed his phone to the side as he went to get a rstger quick showered. It didn't take long for him to be ready and head out the door.

 "Ah I'm leaving." Grayson said as he glanced at his phone.

Which showed six hours had passed and now it was midnight.

He was out for awhile.

"Awh! Come on Gray stay a bit longer!" A handsome-drunk man said to the young man holding another cup full of alcohol.

They had gone to a restaurant that sold alcohol and his friends had obviously gotten drunk.

"I have to help my mom tomorrow, I can't." Grayson said picking up his coat and things getting ready to leave.

His friends didn't try to stop him after that. They knew Grayson was very caring toward his mother and would drop anything if she needed help.

A simple mama's boy.

"Alright get home safe gray." Another more refined man said pushing the handsome-drunk man away with his hand.

"I will, I'll see you another time Will." Grayson said with a smile waving goodbye at his friend's.

"Bye gray!" The handsome-drunk man shouted.

While the other two just waved goodbye trying to force the drunk man to drink water to sober up.

He obviously refused.

Grayson waved one last time and stood outside waiting for the taxi he had called beforehand. He didn't pay attention for the stares as he usually got them alot whenever he went out.

Not long after a yellow taxi cab stopped infront of him the front window rolled down and a middle-aged man glanced at him.


"Ah, that's me." Grayson replied as he slid inside without much struggle.

"Where to?"

"2058 Pin Oak Drive please."

"2058 Pin Oak Drive it is." The taxi pulled out and made his way into the street. Grayson watched as the city lights passed by as they drove.

He felt his phone buzz inside of his pocket and pulled it out. The screen lit up displaying the contact for his mother.

He didn't hesitate and picked up.

"What's up mom?" He asked, the voice of his mother flowed through not long after.

"Oh I was just calling to ask what time you'll be here tomorrow?"

"Do you have a specific time I should be there?" His mother must have made plan's beforehand.

"Well before five o'clock would be ideal. I have a dinner plan at 5:30."

"Okay mom I'll be there around ten or eleven in the morning okay?"

"Okay sweetie make sure to rest well. I love you."

His lips quirked into a small smile. "I love you too m–"

All of the sudden a terrifying pressure came from the side of the car. The sound of a two cars clashing rang out and he felt himself losing consciousness and the a pounding pain filled his head along with a buzzing inside his head.

"Gray? Honey are you okay?" A worried voice came through.

Grayson reached and held his head and when he glanced at his hand. An blurred hand filled with blood filled his vision. He clenched his teeth as the buzzing grew louder and the surroundings grew fainter.

He could hear the sounds of the people shouting to call the police and the panicked screams.

"Gray don't scare me. Grayson please answer me. Gray? Gray!!!" The worries shout of his sobbing mother barley came through.

He wanted to speak.

To reassure her he was okay but his body felt heavy and he couldn't answer let alone focus on anything.

The loud horning of the ambulance and police mixed in along with all the other blurry sounds. He could see someone trying to speak to him but he could make out anything they were saying. He tried to stay awake but his body just wouldn't let him.

He slowly felt himself losing consciousness with one last thought in his mind.

'I hope mom isn't too worried..'

With that final thought he sank into unconsciousness or what he thought was unconsciousness.

he would never have guess he would have died.

Undergoing editing:p

The Mafia's Bride Sickly Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now