I. Pilot

95 9 2

22 Years Later


"Freddie!" a young woman called.

The young woman, Jess, came around a corner; Jess was wearing a sexy-nurse costume and adjusting her hat. The photo of Mary and John was on the dresser.

"Get a move on, would you?" Jess said. "We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago." She walked off. "Freddie! You coming or what?"

Freddie poked his head around the corner. He was wearing jeans and three shirts, not a costume. "Do I have to?"

"Yes! It'll be fun." Freddie came into the room. "And where's your costume?"

Sam entered the apartment and laughed as he ducked his head. "You know how Freddie and I feel about Halloween. Hey, man."

Freddie gave his brother a nod of acknowledgement.


Classic's What Cha Gonna Do began to play.

The bar was decorated for Halloween, including a gargoyle with cobwebs and a baseball hat that said "GET NAKED". Someone poured someone else a shot. Everyone was in costume.

Jess raised a glass as a young man in a ghoul costume, Luis, came up to the table where Sam, Freddie and Jess were. Sam and Freddie were still not in costume.

"So here's to Sam—" Jess began, "—and his awesome LSAT victory. You should've heard Freddie gushing. He was so proud of you."

"All right, all right, it's not that big a deal," Sam said.

Jess, Sam, Freddie and Luis clinked glasses.

"Yeah, he acts all humble. But he scored a one seventy-four."

Luis drank his shot, as did Sam. "Is that good?"

"Scary good," Jess and Freddie replied as they drank.

"So there you go. You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want!" Luis sat next to Sam.

"Actually, I got an interview here. Monday," Sam replied. "If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year."

"Hey. It's gonna go great," Freddie reassured.

"It better."

"I know it will."

"How does it feel to be the golden boy of your family?" Luis asked.

"Ah, they don't know," Sam said. "Except for Freddie."

"Oh, no, I would be gloating! Why not?"

"Because we're not exactly the Bradys."

"And I'm not exactly the Huxtables. More shots?"

Jess, Freddie and Sam spoke in chorus. "No. No."

"No," Sam and Freddie repeated.

Luis went up to the bar anyway.

Jess spoke. "No, seriously. I'm proud of you. And you're gonna knock 'em dead on Monday—and you're gonna get that full ride. I know it. And Freddie, you're going to be the best history professor."

"What would I do without you?" Freddie wondered in a teasing gone.

"Crash and burn." She smiled and pulled Freddie in for a kiss.

Sam watched his brother and Jess with a smile.


Freddie and Jess laid in bed, asleep back to back. Jess shifted position.

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