Chapter 49 : Forever With You

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The competition is about to start. The auditorium is filled with a large crowd, all here to cheer on their favorite groups. The first performance is by the group 'Code Love'. The JLN stadium is buzzing with excitement. Rehaan approaches his sister, who is engrossed in a conversation with Sam. As he joins them, Maahi pauses and shifts her attention to Rehaan.

"Maahi... You can continue talking. Pretend I'm not even here," Rehaan teases, looking away.

Maahi blushes and lowers her gaze, feeling a bit shy. She then playfully nudges Rehaan's shoulder. "Brother, you act the same way with Tevin. I never complain," she says with a smile.

Rehaan opens his mouth to respond, but decides against it. His cheeks flush red, unable to hide his embarrassment.

"Alright, enough fooling around. Time to head to the hall," Rehaan declared, and Sam and Maahi nodded in agreement. The trio made their way into the hall, strolling towards the first court before coming to a halt.

The competition was intense, and Tevin and his team were up next for the 5th performance. They were all set backstage, eagerly waiting as the 4th performance commenced. With the conclusion of the 4th performance, the show's host took the stage to announce the next act.

"Coming up next is the celebrity group, and here we have the Youth Dreamers" The presenter announces enthusiastically, clapping and welcoming the group.

The crowd erupts in cheers and shouts the group's name. Tevin takes the stage with his friends, each taking their positions. Tevin confidently walks up to the microphone stand and plugs in his guitar. Druv positions himself near the piano, Daksh settles onto the drum seat, and Aarav stands to Tevin's left, holding the rhythm guitar.

With his microphone in hand, Tevin scans the crowd, searching for Rehaan. Amongst the sea of faces, he finally spots Rehaan, who is proudly holding the red badge Tevin had given him back in their university days. Rehaan raises his hand, displaying the badge for Tevin to see. Their eyes meet, and Tevin can't help but notice that Rehaan still cherishes the badge after all this time.

Rehaan's mouth opens and he utters, "I love you," without making a sound. Tevin comprehends and responds with a smile and a nod. Rehaan smiles in return. The members prepare themselves in their positions. Tevin glances at his bandmates, who give him a thumbs up to signal that they are ready to perform.

It's showtime. Tevin takes hold of the microphone and begins to speak. The spotlight shines on Tevin as the crowd cheers his name. He gazes proudly at the audience.

"Hey everyone. I am thrilled...we be here. The song we are about to perform took a lot of effort to complete. It's special- Tevin pauses for a moment, a smile gracing his lips, before clearing his throat and continuing- It's a song that I want to dedicate to someone special in my life, someone who has always been there for me and made me feel cherished. It's for someone I am incredibly proud of. The song is called...Forever With You." Tevin smiles and locks eyes with Rehaan.

As the background lights illuminate the stage and the enchanting sound of the guitar fills the air, Tevin begins to sing. Rehaan, filled with anticipation, eagerly awaits the commencement of the song.

To be continued....

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