Chapter thirteen: Sport festival

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"Awesome work, Wonie! It's a new record!" Sunghoon showed the stopwatch to the younger, 14 seconds was written on the screen. Jungwon's eyes sparkled with excitement "Hooray!" He yelled, jumping around the playground. "You'll win that field day race for sure." Sunghoon assured, showing his fist to Jungwon, signaling him to bump his own. "Yeah!" Jungwon bumped his fist against Sunghoon's, a smile placed on their lips. Jay came with a towel in his hand.

"Well done." He mumbled before handing it to Jungwon who was sweating lightly, he didn't want to hold eye contact. "C'mon, Jay, show little more enthusiasm!" Sunghoon grumbled, Jungwon thanked Jay before taking the towel gently and dried his face, "You saw how hard Jungwon was practicing, right?" The blond asked, mad at his partner for not showing any emotion at the younger's effort. "It's not like I'm the one running." Jay rolled his eyes with his careless face, receiving a frown from Sunghoon. "Have a heart! It's our job to advise him and get excited on his behalf." Sunghoon explained, Jay furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes suddenly darkened as he got serious, cleaning his throat before speaking. "Swift running requires efficient training of the musculi trunci of the hip joint and of the hamstrings..." Jay kept blabbing meanwhile Jungwon looked confused while Sunghoon just sighed at his partner. "Ham?" Jungwon asked, turning to Sunghoon, he tried to understand Jays words. "...The posterior muscle groups beginning with the femorals can be amplified with squats..." The older continued to speak, Sunghoon slapped his forehead "Yeah, forget it..."

"I wanna practice more! " the child threw his hands in the air, not tired at all from all the running he did today. "You sure you're not overdoing it?" Sunghoon asked, a bit worried.

"I gotta get that gold medal!" Jungwon insisted before starting to run around the park again. "That's the spirit, Jungwon!" Sunghoon shouted after him, he looked over at Jay who watched the toddler quietly in his own world. "C'mon, cheer him on with me!" Sunghoon nudged his shoulder, his partner sent him a dirty look, making Sunghoon laugh at his reaction which he expected from him.

"I'm starting now, Papa!" Jungwon said, waving to Sunghoon when he got into his position to run. Sunghoon pulled out his phone and opened stopwatch "Okay, on your mark!" He shouted, "Get set! Start!" Jungwon ran with all his energy and speed towards Sunghoon, he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon, he had to get the gold medal.


The so called family had their drinks put in front of them, they decided to pay Heeseung a visit. "Field day?" He asked, turning to the couple "It's this Saturday." Jay informed, "We were practicing for the race together." Sunghoon smiled, watching Jungwon who was sitting next to him. "I ran so much!" The kid grinned, "You've got grit, just like me!" Sunghoon ruffled Jungwon's light brown hair. "Just like who?" Jay judged him, "Just like me!" Sunghoon pointed at himself with a proud smile, holding his chin high. "Quit glaring at me like that." Sunghoon's smile dropped when he noticed the weird glances Jay was giving him.

"Never thought I'd see you two going along with a kids event." Heeseung spoke, "Come watch him, hyung!" Sunghoon suggested, "I'm afraid I can't." He said, making Jungwon frown, his frown falling when he had an idea. "Papas can take lots of pictures, then!" He said, "I want Heeseung hyung to see!" Sunghoon liked that idea "Yeah smart thinking!" He said, Heeseung watched the three talk as he listened to them.

"How many should we take?"

"Um... A hundred!"

"So many!"

Heeseung smiled to himself, never in a million years he would have imagined an assassin and a hitman he knew for a long time play house with a shining child like Jungwon. He knew, that the kid was their way to somehow change, and feel the happiness they wanted to feel for so long.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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