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At the deep waters beyond a young kingdoms land, lies something no man, no human dared ever see. After hundreds of years humans told stories of the dangerous underwater Merpeople, only very few ever saw one. There hasn't been a clear mermaid sighting in 21 years...

'Oh? What's this?' The curious merman pick up the unfamiliar item. "These humans drop weird shit in here" SMG3 hums and inspects the item. A cylinder item that allowed you to see things closer when you look in it, three hummed in amusement and put the thing in his bag, swimming along his way. His medium length dark hair flowed behind him, his tail was a jet black that had a purple shimmer when light hit it the right way.

Three stopped and looked at the time (don't ask me how) "Ugh great I gotta get back to the castle soon, cmon Eggy" Three took his little friend, he didn't really know what eggdog was, he looked like a dog, an egg, and a fish in a way, he just shrugged it off eventually. Three hummed as they went to his secret cove, where he kept all the human artifacts he found over the years. "Okay where do I put this...Got so much stuff in here.." He mutters but finds a good spot for it and goes to read his favorite piece of human literature, it was a book about studies of the above world, Three sighed as he read it, he always wanted to see what humans were like in person, what everything was like up there. He had never been to the surface since it was forbidden by the king, but he dreamed of it.

"Hm?" Three got distracted but Eggdog tapping his tail "What is it?" Three check the time and flinched. "Oh shit! I forgot it's the Coral Moon, The kings gonna kill me!" He quickly puts the book down and swims off the the castle.

Three froze when he entered to see the angry king of the sea. "About time you showed up" Three sighed "I'm sorry, I was just exploring around and got distracted" The king sighs heavily "Was it about humans again" Three grimaces and nods. "SMG3 this obsession with humans has to stop!" "It's not an obsession, I just want to know more about them-" "Silence! Look non of the other rulers were late, get your act together and stop this obsession. Understood?"

 Three frowns and swims away to his cove, grumbling to himself "He just doesn't get it Eggdog. And I don't get how a world that makes these..Incredible things could be so bad. Look at this stuff, isn't it neat." Three licks up a fork and combs his hair with it, humming "One of the memes told me humans use these to do their hair" He sets it on a small display. "Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? But eh, who cares? No big deal anyway..I want more..." Looks up and stares up at the surface of the water. "I just wanna those people are, walking around on those weird things called legs. Up where they walk and run and stay all day in the sun" Laughs and swims up to the surface. "They wander out there free! I wish I could..." Stops right before he could reach above the water and sighs, swimming back down. "Out of this sea...wish I could be..part of that world" sighs and swims around to set up more of the stuff he found, giving Eggdog a small pet. Before turning his head to a loud sound and light coming from the surface. "Hmm..."

Meanwhile on land...

A young prince sighs and looks over his boat, staring at the ocean before his best friend Mario jumps from behind, startling him a little. "S M G 4 do you have more spaghetti?" The prince smiles and shakes his head. "Cant leave me in peace for more than one second on my birthday can you Mario?" Mario just flies to the other side of the ship to talk to his other best friend, Meggy. Four chuckles before noticing Bob and Saiko throwing spears into the ocean, trying to hit something, some others crowded around them. "Hey! What's going on!" Four grabs the spear Bob's holding "Its a mermaid dude" Bob yells in his usual ai like voice. "A mermaid? Use your eyes dumbass" They all look down and just see a dolphin, four scoffs in annoyance before getting distracted by the fireworks in the sky.

Four chuckles in amusement before noticing Mario put them off on accident and was getting chased by Meggy because the fireworks were for later. Four sighs and looks down at the colored ocean, reflecting the colors from the sky. He always felt a strange connection to the ocean, like there was something else out there, calling to him. He felt proud of himself for being able to trade with so many foreign countries on this voyage, all he ever wanted was for their port to be able to communicate with other regions.

Back with the fruity merman 😌

Three hears the explosion like sound and sees the colors seeping through into the ocean and immediately swims towards it, not giving himself time to think rationally. Eggdog trials behind him, barking a little. Three goes over the surface of the water. "Whoa.." he mumbles seeing odd colors in the sky and a...boat, like the ones from his books, he smiles and heads towards it. He manages to jump out of the water and on a small wooden lifeboat and peeks through some railing to see what was on the ship, he looks around curiously and in awe. Then a blue eyed human catches his attention, he's talking to some girl.

Fours butler, Minion comes up to him and pulls him away from the rest of the crew "Sire we need to head back to port tonight, and I think it's best you stay away from the rest of the crew till then" four sighs and chuckles "Aw c'mon, loosen up they're my cure an-" "You're not like them SMG4.." Fours smile falters a bit and he sighs. "So you think like my father...I can't just spend the rest of my life in a castle living in isolation and fear..when there's a whole world out there" Four leans against the railing and sighs.

Three looks up at Four with exact understanding of how he feels before noticing a small looking version of him coming up to him. Three chuckles and pats the meme on the head. Four notices his son, Beeg at the railing and goes to get him. "C'mere Beeg, what did I say about not going on the edge." Three flinches back and hides himself so four didn't see him, but looks back on the deck, observing the other humans more when four leaves.

Fours sighs and puts Beeg down, lost in his thoughts before he hears Luigi yell "Guys Storm incoming!" Fours eyes widen and he looks ahead "Storm! You guys, all hands on deck!" Everyone starts shuffling around in a panic, throwing stuff overboard and stealing the ship away. Three looks around, confused and a bit worried. Everyone trips as a bit wave washes over them, four panics and tries to steal them right "Abandon ship!" He yells to everyone, as the boat catches fire. Three panics and jumps back into the ocean, swimming away a bit and pokes his head through the water, watching the chaos unfold.

Everyone frantically, unties the small life boats and jumps out of the boat and into the water. "SMG4!" Minion yells after being helped into a small lifeboat. Four is about to jump when he hears Beeg, he turns around in a panic to see his son surround by fire "BEEG!" Four panics and rushes over to help him, run around the fire. He luckily gets to his son in time and carefully tosses him into the water. Sighing in relief. Three frowns and goes underwater to help the small 'human' to the boat and quickly swims off.

Four goes to jump off but the boat flips, causing him to fall and hit his head on some debris. Knocking him unconscious. Three looks around for the human called 'SMG4' and realizes he's not coming up "damn it..." he says underneath his breath, diving back into the water. Four was already deep underwater...unconscious and slowly sinking. He was nearing death until something grabbed him and swam him back to the surface. Three sighed as he held the human in his hand, wondering what he got himself into as he watched the wrecked ship, sink..

That's all people! Another chapter should come soon, if anybody read this, this story came out of nowhere lol 😭💀

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