1 (Past)

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I sat on the ship looking at my new surroundings. I was being shipped off to marry this prince, my family accepted and yet they didn't even bother to come along! I don't even like men! I sighed as I kept watching the waves. This was going to be one hell of a trip.

"Are you alright your majesty?" My lady in waiting asked "I'm fine Aliyah, just- nervous. And a bit annoyed." I said to her "want to talk about it?" She asked "I just- I don't mind marrying him but only if we can see each other as friends and friends only. you know I like girls not boys" I said to her, Aliyah was more of a sister to me. She was the only one I could open up to, and the only person I could come out to as well. When my mom found out she accepted this marriage as a way to "Fix me" and to get me away from her and my kingdom. that's why my family weren't here. "I apologize for how your mother sprung this on you, I will miss you if it's any consolation" she smiled "same here, thank you for being amazing" I smiled as I hugged her "no problem you're highness, happy to be a friend" she smiled as she hugged back.

As Aliyah walked away I looked out at the ocean again. This one way trip was very boring and I just wanted to go home and not have to marry this guy. Suddenly a dark Shadow snapped me out of it. I stepped back "is that a Dragon?" I asked in fear as the ship crew looked at it in even more fear. But no, it was a statue. Then the horn started to go off. Then as the fog cleared in front of me I saw a beautiful land, my eyes widened slightly, this was not what I was expecting. I relaxed as I walked to the front to get a better look. This was certainly something.

Once the ship landed I got off the ship and me and Aliyah stepped Into a carriage. As we rode to the castle I took in my new home. I came from a fairly rich kingdom but not even my old home compared to this! Once we arrived at the castle gates the carriage stopped and we got off, I walked with Aliyah closely following behind me. "My Lady, Welcome to the kingdom of Aurea. The royal family has some other business they're attending to at the moment but word has been sent of your arrival. In the meantime your rooms have been made ready, If you will follow me." a man greeted me with a smile, i smiled back secretly hating this.

I walked through the castle halls looking around in awe. "This is beautiful" I heard Aliyah whisper "tell me about it when Mom said they were rich I didn't think she meant this rich" I whispered back. As we climbed up the stairs I was taken to a golden door. He opened it to show a beautifully furnished room. "I hope this is to you're liking, my lady. Bath has been drawn and supper has been carried hence. At first light I shall return to convey you to meet his royal Highness: Henry, Prince of Aurea." He smiled "okay, and the room is amazing" I smiled at him, he nodded and with that he left with Aliyah. I walked around my room feeling the walls "this'll take getting used to" I mumbled, then I noticed the had a balcony! I walked out and took in the fresh air. On another balcony I saw another girl, she had blonde hair and brown eyes, I waved at her and she waved back.
"I'm Y/N!" I yelled across "I'm Elinor!" She yelled back. Before I could ask who she was or what she's doing here her Lady in waiting called her in. She gave me one final wave before going back inside. I eventually went back inside as well. This was going to be my life now. I just hope he's nice and not  some two faced backstabbing idiot who throws people into caverns.

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