3 (Past)

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It was my wedding day! And as expected I was not excited. I wanted my wedding day to be with the girl I want to marry. Not a guy that was picked out for me!!! As they put the last finishing touches on my dress Aliyah stepped forward and hugged me "you're beautiful your highness" she grinned "Aliyah you know my name, use it" I smiled "you're beautiful, Y/N" she smiled, "thank you. I only wish I was being married to a girl of my choice, with my family present" I sighed "well, who says family has to stop at relatives?" Aliyah smiled as she squeezed my shoulders lightly "thank you, will you walk me down the isle?" I asked "yes!" She grinned.


I walked down the isle with Aliyah. I looked forward to see Henry. He looked just as lost as I. Aliyah let me go and I walked up to face him. We held hands as the priest began his speech. All I could think about was my future now. Was this really my life now? I looked into the crowd seeing Aliyah smiling at me. I gave her a soft smile back, suddenly I felt something on my ring finger. I looked at Henry to see him sliding my new ring onto my finger. I smiled warmly back at him and took his ring and slid it on his finger as well. We held hands again and looked at eachother. I had a mix of happiness and uncertainty and sadness in me all at once. Happiness because Henry was my friend, uncertainty because I don't know what my future holds and Sadness because I don't want to spend my life with Him. He's a nice guy but I can't imagine spending all my years with the guy. "You may kiss the bride" the Priest smiled, I took a breath and kissed him on the lips. It did not feel good at all. I opened my eyes to see him looking back at me, I gave him a smile and a shrug. The queen placed a crown on my head and I looked out at the crowd of people "I present my Son and new daughter, Y/N, Princess of Aurea" she announced as I smiled at the crowd as they clapped and cheered for me.

I stood by a carriage with Aliyah "tell mum that everything went alright and we're happily married" I smiled at her "of course, promise me something?" Aliyah smiled "anything my friend" I smiled back "don't forget to write to me, okay?" She smiled "of course not! It'll take a dragon to stop me from writing to you, okay?" I smiled, she nodded "Aliyah...thank you, for being my friend" I smiled "I should be the one thanking you, Y/N" she smiled, we gave each other one last hug before Henry took my hand and guided me into the carriage. He got in and soon, Aliyah was out of my sight...for the rest of my life.

As the carriage kept moving it finally occurred to me that I had no idea where we were going "hey uh...where are we going?" I asked "that's right I forgot to tell you, in my family we have these ancient ceremonies up on the mountains, and now we are going to pay homage to my ancestors" he smiled "right" i smiled as we continued to move up and up the mountain.

Once we arrived at the top, Henry took my hand and guided me out. We kept walking until we got to a hole in the side of the mountain. Gathered outside was everyone In Aurea wearing these golden masks. "This doesn't look super creepy" I mumbled nervously "it's okay, you'll be okay" he whispered back reassuringly. I've only known Henry for a few days but he already feels like a brother. "Welcome Princess" the Queen (who was now wearing some red robes) smiled, "hi" I said quietly "the generations it has been our task, our duty, to protect our people. The price is dear, but so is the reward. So tonight you join a long line of women who have helped to build this Kingdom." The Queen smiled as she handed me a coin. I took it hesitantly, this was setting off so many red flags in my head! She began to walk and we followed as she talked we walked over a stone bridge leading into nothing but darkness.

"When our ancestors first lay claim to this land they found they were not it's sole inhabitants. A creature dwelt here first. The last of its kind. With savage bloodlust. The best left it's lair and set upon the village. So the king gathered his soldiers to avenge his people. But their steel was no match for the monster, and each man met his end. Each save one. For the king the beast had a far worse fate in store. Give up his three beloved daughters and the island could be shared. A cruel torture, he adored his daughters but his duty to his subjects was stronger. And so a pact was made. The three princesses met their end in the belly of the beast. And a kingdom was born." The queen explained.

"Where is this going?" I mumbled quiet enough so that no one heard. "It is this sacrifice we commemorate, every generation. A tradition going back centuries." The queen smiled, suddenly they pulled out a small dagger. Henry held out his hand and they cut it open! My eyes widened as I watched. Then the queen looked at me "your hand child" she smiled, I hesitantly held it forward, she cut my hand open and then Henry placed his hand over mine. I looked at him with fear and uncertainty again. Then the Queen placed a cloth over our hands "letter two lines mingle and fast become one." She smiled, then she removed the cloth "She is now a royal blood!" She announced to everyone. I let go and held my hand for a second, processing what just happened. Did I just marry into some sort of cult!?! "To ensure that her Kingdom thrives forevermore." The queen smiled "toss the coin into the chasm" the queen added. I nodded and did as instructed. Then Henry tapped my shoulder "I'm supposed to carry you across" he whispered "oh I'm fi-" suddenly he picked me up bridal style "okay now we're walking" i said as he began to walk across the bridge "Y/N, you can close your eyes, trust me okay?" He smiled "okay?" I said in a hesitant voice, I shut my eyes and felt his movements. About 2 seconds later he stopped. "Y/N. Believe me when I say that I am so sorry" he whispered. I opened my eyes "what do you mean?" I asked, suddenly he swung me back and then threw me into the chasm!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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