Down Fall Part 2

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**December 19, 2023 - Spring Courtroom**

Here I am in the courtroom, standing alongside my lawyer, Mr Doggy, and my family, my father, my stepmother, my stepsister and Dylan. On the opposing side, the Campbell family, accompanied by their lawyers, awaits trial.

"Wait, Chloée!" I said.

Chloée Fletcher turns to Jay, her expression ready and determined.

"Hello, Mr. Wali," she acknowledges.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, visibly surprised to see her.

"I'm here to support your lawyer," Chloée responds softly. "I have more courage and knowledge, and I don't think he will take the risk of defending you well because all the lawyers who defend these types of families very well are blacklisted and their careers end."

"You're up against an influential, wealthy family. Almost everyone can afford to do whatever they want," she explains, her voice barely audible.

Jay, intrigued and worried, insists: "What do you mean by that? Do you know the consequences?"

"The judge has arrived, the hearing will begin soon. We will talk about it later," Chloée responds enigmatically.

"Trust me. I'm here for you, Mr. Wali," she reassures him with a smile.

"Okay, I trust you, Mrs. Fletcher," I respond, smiling back.

**Judge:** [Gavel knocks] "Order of the court. We are here today to hear the case of Natalie Campbell against Jay Wali. Ms. Campbell, please present your case."

"Your Honor, my client, Natalie Campbell, accuses the defendant, Jay Wali, of rape on Friday, December 8, 2023," Natalie Campbell's lawyer says.

"Mr. Wali, how do you plead?" the judge said.

"Not guilty, Your Honor," I answer.

"Alright. Let's move on to the testimony and evidence," the judge said.

Throughout the trial, Natalie Campbell's lawyers present evidence and testimony, but the case lacks concrete evidence linking Jay to the alleged crime.

"The testimonies are suspicious," Chloée whispers.

"Yes, maybe they are paid actors," I said.

"They will all try not to tarnish their image," Chloée said.

"Your Honor, even though there may be inconsistencies in the evidence, my client stands by her accusation because such action deserves punishment," Natalie Campbell's lawyer says.

"Mr. Wali, do you have anything to add to your defense?" the judge said.

"Your Honor, I maintain my innocence regarding the rape charge. However, I must confess to hacking into Techram University's servers to change Chloée's grades to help her succeed and stay in college," I said, broadcasting the proof of messages and all the computer code that I used to enter the server.

"Natalie was a fairly intelligent girl but not at the level to be admitted and stayed at Techram, so each time I had to help her study, she preferred to go partying with her friends, all whores like her. I then had to hack the notes system each time to change the notes to make them better." I said. 

A wave of murmurs filled the courtroom following my unexpected confession.

"I see. Mrs. Fletcher or Mr. Doggy, do you have anything to add?" the judge said.

"Your Honor, while Mr. Wali's actions regarding the university's servers were undoubtedly wrong, they were not malicious. We ask for leniency given his cooperation and remorse, he remains a young man broken by the weight of life," Chloée defended.

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