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When I stood up, I felt Klaus hug me around the waist. I turned to him.

-And what are you doing here ? -I asked, looking at the blonde, who looked at me surprised -The herd doesn't have a meeting? -I asked

-It's the weekend, darling - he replied, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear - we'll spend it together, I promise - he replied

I got out of bed and looked at my phone, it was already noon. I took a warm shower and changed into Jens moms and a purple sweater. I tied my hair in a messy bun and went to the living room.

I took books and notebooks out of my backpack. I did my math homework, then turned on my laptop and started writing an English report on Romeo and Juliet.

in the meantime, Klaus entered the kitchen, already dressed. He gave Salem water and food and then started cooking something in the kitchen.

I was halfway through my report when I heard the doorbell.

-Open - I replied, looking at my phone - evening was slowly approaching

I saw Carlisle in the doorway.

-Did something happen? - I asked

-Can we talk? - He asked

-Yes, and what exactly - saying this, I went out to the porch and went with the blond to the garden.

-We're leaving for Bella's safety and for Edward to blame himself for all this, -he replied

-And when will you be back? - I asked, looking at him

-We have no intention of doing so, we don't want to endanger Bella, but people also notice that I still look young, -he replied.

-I understand - I replied and he handed me a piece of paper

-This is my e-mail address, write to me if you need anything and Rosleyn added hers at the bottom

-I guess he doesn't hate me as much as he shows-, I replied, smiling slightly

-Possibly, -he replied, -Unfortunately, I have to go and see you, Tatia.

-See you later, Carlisle, -I replied and he disappeared

I got back home. I sat down on the couch and continued my report without saying a word. I sent it to the teacher and then saved Carlisle and Rosleyn's mail.

I put away all my books and put my laptop aside as I went to the kitchen.

- What are you doing here for so long? - I asked and at that moment Klaus threw the chicken boat to Salem.

-I made us dinner - he replied and then glanced at the clock - Or more like dinner - he replied

Klaus served me a plate with my favorite Greek salad with chicken.

We went to the living room and watched a movie while eating dinner. After eating, Klaus placed the plates in the kitchen. When he came back, he wrapped me up and covered me with a blanket.

-So what are we watching next? -He asked, seeing the smile on my face

-Turn on the little mermaid - I replied and he looked at me smiling - Well, it's my favorite fairy tale - I replied

We were watching a cartoon and in the meantime Klaus brought popcorn which we were now eating. Suddenly someone knocked on the house.

I got up and walked to the door, when I opened it I saw Charlie

-Yes? -I started looking at him

-Is Bella at your place? - He asked worriedly - She left with Edward and hasn't come back yet and the Cullens aren't answering - He replied

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