Stupid Game.

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I was staring up at the ceiling , Tapping on the metal bars attached to the beds (I could tell it was annoying Edward but i didn't really care) .

Carelessly, I jumped off the bed , making Edward jump, "Jeez! Warn me next time dude,"
Roared Edward , Hiding something under the pillow sat up where he was originaly layed. I couldn't care less of what he was hiding so I didnt say anything about it. "Would you like to play a game of Go fish?" Asked Edward out of nowhere.

"Sure I guess," I muttered, I cleared my throat ,Then had a seat at the surprisingly wide table, It was laid out so very neatly and had a bowl of fruit in the middle - plastic food of course - each of the 4 chairs designated round the table had a slightly different cushion to another,I sat on the chair with the blue plaited pillow because it looked cool and has been catching my attention.

He Shuffled the cards and shared out 7 between the two of us (I knew I wasn't going to win but there's a first for everything ) . I looked at my cards, I had a four  , a two , an eight,five,seven,three and a nine. we started playing then after around about 2 rounds Ed finally said something.

"Could I, er, Tell you something?" Edward Stuttered,Hesitant of saying anything.
"Sure man, I'm listening," I yawn quite loudly, Relaxing in my comfy chair.

"As you may know, I'm a scientist,"
He rambled on about me promising not to Get mad or Break anything, "I may or may not have Been the one to cause This... "

"Caused what exactly? " I wondered What he was going to say.
"The zombie apocalypse..,I didn't mean to I promise!" I was completely shocked and filled with anger I had never felt before.

"YOU WHAT?!" I was unbothered that he said not to be mad,I had a reason to he angry with him, "I'VE HAD TO LEAVE MY WIFE , AND YOUR TELLING ME IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU?!"

"Hey! Calm down, It's not like I did it on purpose, Why do you think my fingertips are permanently burnt?"

"I THOUGHT YOU BURNT THEM WHILE COOKING OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT! " I Yelled(Ready to break something or maybe someone's bones. )

"No! I burned down the lab but my fingers Got burned in the process. " All I could think about was that it's his fault I had to leave my family and be put in a whole different bunker because Edward wanted me to be with him! Or was it all just so he could tell me this?!

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