Hongjoong stared at his love who was lying fast asleep beside him, her hazel brown locks covering a part of her face. Hongjoong brought his hand towards her and slowly brushed the hair back, a loving smile on his face.
Moon hera was the only person hongjoong could go soft for in this planet, she was the only person hongjoong could do anything for.
Hera : joongie?
Hongjoong : yes sweetheart?
Hera smiled as she slowly opened her eyes, hongjoong's happy face being the first thing she saw. Oh how she loved him being the first and last thing she set her eyes on.
Hera : good morning.
Hongjoong smiled wider and held hera's cheek, leaning forward before capturing her lips in his. Hera wrapped her arms around hongjoong's neck with a giggle, hongjoong chuckling as he whispered against her lips
Hongjoong : my beautiful lady.
Hera : all yours.
Hera was standing on the bow of the ship, staring down at the water beneath her with intent eyes. She missed it, missed being in the sea, surrounded by her own realm. She was a shape-shifting mermaid, one of her kind. She could have human legs when she wanted, and change it to a mermaid tail when she got on the water and required it. But it had been a long time since she was a mermaid in water, and she missed it.
Mermaids were looked down upon by everyone, and hence her kind rarely came out of the water, scared the others would kill them. Hera had been one of the very few that had come out and lived among the common folk without getting killed, and that was only because no one knew she was a mermaid in here. And being known as hongjoong's lover, came with it's own respect and fear. So no one questioned her, fearful of hongjoong's wrath.
Hera flinched as she felt a loud splash in the water beneath her, the sight of a mermaid tail suddenly being visible to her. Hera's eyes widened as she stepped back, hoping no one had seen that. If she was seen talking to a mermaid, everyone would know hera was one herself.
As only a mermaid could communicate to another one. Hera had to leave.
But before hera could run away she felt the mermaid jump up from the water, landing right onto the ship in front of hera.
Hera : no. no-
The mermaid in front of her smiled, not knowing she was putting hera's life in complete danger.
??? : I am marina, daughter of your mother's sister.
Here looked around with scared eyes as she said
Hera : please, you-you can't be here-
Marina : I wish to talk with you.
Hera : we can't. marina, I can't. if anyone finds out I'm a mermaid-
Marina : but this is important, hera. It is about your mother.
Hera : I have cut all ties with her! I am no longer her daughter. Now please, please go back-
Hera felt her heartbeat quicken in fear at hongjoong's voice. If he found out, she would be done for.
Hera : oh lord. No no-
Hera froze as she felt footsteps halting right behind her, a small gasp heard around the deck. Marina's eyes widened as she swiftly jumped back into the water, vanishing from sight. Hera closed her eyes, her heart completely breaking as she realized it was all over.
Hongjoong : he-hera?
Hera turned around slowly, the look hongjoong was currently giving her tearing hera apart. What had she done, why hadn't she told him before? Why did she betray him?
Hera : joong, please.
Hongjoong let out a shaky breath and turned around, walking away with no more words. Hera quickly ran after him, holding his wrists with her trembling hand as she said
Hera : no please. Please listen to me-
Hongjoong : listen to your lies? Again?
Hera : hongjoong-
Hongjoong turned around with teary eyes, hera blinking her eyes as she stepped back
Hongjoong : no hera, if you'd told me that you were a mermaid, I would've still loved you. Because my love for you was never based on who you were, or what you were. I loved you for you, I loved you for the trust you put in me and the trust I could put in you. But that's gone now. I would've loved you, and I would've protected you until I died. But no. you didn't fucking trust me so you lied to me.
Hera : hongjoong I was scared!
Hongjoong : I DON'T CARE HERA! You fucking lied to me!
Hera stared at hongjoong, tears falling down her eyes as hongjoong continued
Hongjoong : I trusted you with my entire life, I loved you with my entire soul, hera. But you tore it all apart.
Hera : I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry please forgive me-
Hongjoong : I want you out of the ship when we harbor on the next island.
Hera's eyes widened in fear. No. no, she would die the moment she stepped out of this ship.
Hera : oh no no. hongjoong no please-
Hongjoong did not bother listening further and walked to his room in the ship, hera running behind him while still pleading desperately. But hongjoong paid no heed to any of it. And when he finally reached his room, he got inside and shut the door right before hera could get in, locking it. Hera banged on the door, tears streaming down her cheeks as she said
Hongjoong sat down on his bed with a thud, tears dropping down his eyes. Hera sobbed, banging harder against the door as she said
Hera : please, they'll kill me! Hongjoong, you can't let me die!
Hongjoong could not keep her here any longer either, she had betrayed him.
Hongjoong shut his eyes tightly, tears falling down his cheeks. Hera cried harder, her bangs getting weaker as she said
Hera : PLEASE! PLEASE don't...don't let me go.
Hongjoong face scrunched up in pain as he heard hera slide down the wall, her sobs still coming through the wood. Hongjoong brought his hands up to his ears, clasping them shut as tears streamed down his own eyes.
Hongjoong : I'm sorry, hera-ya.
Hera flinched as she felt the thud of the ship harboring against land, quickly standing up as her breathing got heavy. She was going to have to leave now, hongjoong was going to make her leave. Just as hera was about to try and hide somewhere the door behind her opened, revealing a red eyed hongjoong. His gaze turned cold at the sight of her as hera said