16. apologies

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luck was just not on san's side. he enjoyed the walk with wooyoung even though they didn't talk much. he honestly enjoyed being in the presence of wooyoung because although they didn't get off on the right foot, san was warming up to him. he was calm for the most part, and san didn't feel on edge with him. san could honestly say it was the most peaceful evening he's had in a long time.

but of course, it would only be too good to be true.

just as they were walking back to the restaurant, san could see jiyeon from the corner of his eye. just the person he wanted to avoid the most. running away would be too obvious so he chose the next best thing, hiding his face. san honestly didn't know what he was thinking, he just acted. he waited a few minutes, with wooyoung in his arms, hoping jiyeon passed them before releasing wooyoung.

realizing what he had done, san covered his mouth with his hand and widened his eyes. he expected wooyoung to push him, raise his voice at him, look at him weirdly, anything. but wooyoung just stood there.

"sorry" san muttered, removing his hand from his mouth. wooyoung didn't say anything, he just stared at the ground. san frowned, he noticed wooyoung was acting a bit strange earlier. his face was all red like he was burning but he was shivering, that's why san offered him his blazer. without a word, wooyoung suddenly turned away from san and quite literally ran back to the restaurant.

san stayed behind, feeling dumbfounded. did he make wooyoung uncomfortable? "fuck" san groaned out of frustration. he stood there for a moment, debating whether he should follow wooyoung or go back home. it wasn't that late at this point. san sighed and walked to his car, deciding to leave wooyoung alone. if he did make him uncomfortable, san could guess that wooyoung probably wouldn't be that enthusiastic about seeing him right now.

san drove slowly, even opting to take the longer way home. pulling up to the parking deck, he prayed seonghwa fell asleep. san very gently took his keys out and opened the door slowly. the lights were off and san let out a sigh of relief. seonghwa had to be sleeping. he walked inside and tiptoed to his room. flicking the switch to open the light, his heart almost jumped out his chest at the sight of yunho and seonghwa sitting on his bed, like they were waiting for him.

"what the fuck?" san gasped, placing his hand on his chest. yunho and seonghwa weren't fazed in the slightest, "where have you been?" yunho asked calmly. "why were you two creeps sitting in the dark?" san spluttered.

"you're avoiding us, this was the best we could come up with" seonghwa shrugged, "you were waiting for me to sleep, right?". san stared at the two of them, completely bewildered. so they caught on. it was only a matter of time, but still, san thought he could avoid them for at least a few more days. being caught like this so quickly was honestly kind of sad.

"i wasn't avoiding you guys" san said, obviously lying and his friends could tell. "where were you?" yunho repeated. san sighed and sat down on the ground since seonghwa and yunho took up all the room on his bed. "nowhere important" he shrugged and yunho raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"if you're not avoiding us then how come you came abnormally late last night and how come you didn't talk to yunho at work?" seonghwa asked. "i don't know, maybe i have a life?" san responded bluntly, causing seonghwa to let out an offended gasp.

"listen, you little shit" seonghwa got up and thwacked san on the head, "you're so ungrateful. you have two very amazing friends and you're acting like a brat" he glared while san runbbed his now aching head.

"do you have to hit me?" san grumbled, "fine, yes. i'm avoiding you two, happy?". seonghwa smiled in victory and sat back on the bed. "but why?" yunho frowned, looking upset.

"just because" san didn't want to go into detail because he honestly didn't have a good reason. to say he was avoiding them because of jiyeon was just plain stupid. "because of jiyeon?" seonghwa asked, almost like he was reading san's thoughts.

"jiyeon? san, we won't talk about it if you don't want us to but you don't have to avoid us" yunho said and san sighed. "it's not about talking about it. it's the way you two look at me, like you guys pity me or something" he muttered, feeling ashamed at how dumb this whole situation is.

"so we can't worry about you now?" seonghwa asked, looking at san like he was the most idiotic person in the world, "that's what friends do, san. they worry and care about each other".

san huffed and crossed his arms, "i know that. it's just i want everything to go back to normal, before all this shit with jiyeon".

"you're really stupid" yunho said and san looked up at him, "we always worry about you, regardless of jiyeon. we may be over doing it but that's just because we can tell how much it's affecting you. but if you want us to back off, we will. we won't talk about it unless you want to or treat you any differently but don't shut us out". san felt his eyes well up, he felt really bad. he had really good friends and he was icing them out for no reason. he didn't even think to consider that avoiding them would hurt them.

"i'm sorry" he lowered his head, so they wouldn't see his glossy eyes. he seemed to be doing a lot of apologizing today.

"you're such a baby" he heard seonghwa say before he felt the two men wrap their arms around him. san sighed, enjoying the warmth of his friends. he felt better instantly, maybe all he needed was a hug.

"don't do that again" seonghwa said after they pulled away, "use your words next time if you don't like something". san nodded, "you could also chill with the hitting, you're super violent" he said while smirking.

seonghwa glared at him and raised his hand like he was going to hit him, "i only hit you because you're so fucking stupid". seonghwa exchanged a look with yunho and they both smiled evilly before charging towards san. san widened his eyes and ran away with both of them close behind him, laughter filling the apartment.

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